The crustaceans They are arthropod animals. They are mainly aquatic, both freshwater and saltwater. For example: water flea, krill, lobster.
Classification of crustaceans:
Characteristics of crustaceans
Examples of crustaceans
Water flea (daphnia). Planktonic crustacean. When they swim, they seem to jump, which is why they are called fleas. They feed on microorganisms and phyloplankton.
Artemias. Branchiopod crustaceans. They live in salt water and remain almost unchanged in evolution since the Triassic period.
Barnacles. They grow on rocks on which the waves fall. It has no limbs and remains immobile attached to the rocks. It is fed by filtration of the nutrients that bring the waves.
Krill. Malacostraceous crustaceans. Its appearance is externally similar to shrimp, having lengths between 3 and 5 cm in length. It feeds on phylloplanct and in turn is food for many Antarctic species.
Galley. Stomatopod crustacean. It is used in gastronomy, but it is not very appreciated due to the small amount of meat it contains.
Balanus (sea acorns). Barnacle crustaceans. They are usually found in shallow coastal areas, on rocks, shells of other animals, poles and any object found on the shore. They are covered by a grayish shell.
Shrimp. Decapod crustaceans. They live in both fresh and salt water. They are very popular in gastronomy.
Pea crab. It is a very small crab that is introduced into mollusks bivalves (oysters, clams, mussels) and lives parasitically on food that mollusks consume.
Whale lice (cyamidae). An external parasite that is associated with cetaceans, such as whales. It is located in the skin lesions of cetaceans, as well as in their folds and eyes.
Locust. Decapod crustacean, highly appreciated in culinary terms. They live on rocky bottoms where they seek shelter and, to get around, they can swim or walk.