100 Examples of Prefixes and Suffixes in English
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Prefixes and Suffixes in English
The prefixes and the suffixes They are letters or groups of words that, when added to certain words, modify their meaning or change the function of that word in a sentence.
Prefixes are those that come before the root or word, that is, they appear at the beginning of the word.
Suffixes are those that are postponed to the root or word, that is, they appear at the end of the word.
The root (root) is the part of the word that contains the lexeme, that is to say the basic meaning.
It can serve you: Prefixes and Suffixes in Spanish
Examples of prefixes in English
A- An-: meaning: without / not
- Atheist: atheist
- Anemic: anemic
- Atypical: atypical
- Asymetrical: asymmetrical
A- An-: meaning: transform into / towards
- Abase: degrade
- Hold: to one side
- Aback: backwards
Ab- Abs-: meaning: completely
- Abashed: ashamed
Ad- a- ac- af- ag- al- an- ap- at- as-meaning: towards / become / increase
- Advance: advance
- Get grown up: adulterate
- Ascend: ascend
- Affiliate: join
- Affirm: affirm, sustain
- Aggravate: aggravate
- Alleviate: relieve
- Apprehend: catch
- Arrive: arrive
- Assemble: assemble / gather / congregate
- Attend: attend
In view of-: meaning: before
- Antecedent: antecedent / precedent
Anti- meaning: opposite
- Antibiotic: antibiotic
- Antartic: Antarctic
- Anticlimax: anticlimax
- Antihero: antihero
Car: meaning: oneself
- Automobile: automobile
- Autobiography: autobiography
Be- meaning: completely, everywhere
- Bespatter: splash
- Bewitch: captivate
- Bejeweled: Jeweled
Bi-meaning: two
- Biceps: biceps
- Bicycle: bicycle
Com- co- col- con-Meaning: with, jointly, completely
- Codependent: codependent
- Collide: collide
- Collude: conspire
- Combat: combat
- Compassion: compassion
- Conjoin: join
From- Meaning: away / separated / undo
- Descend: descend
- Despair: despair
- Decamp: set up camp
- Defect: defect
Dis- Meaning: negation / take away / expulsion
- Disadvantage: disadvantage
- Dismount: dismount
- Disintegrate: disintegrate
On- Meaning: lead to the condition of / intensify / put within
- Engulf: wrap / bury
- Enlighten: illuminate
- Entangle: entangle
- Infuriate
- Enlarge: expand
Extra- Meaning: more / out
- Extracurricular: Extracurricular
- Extraordinary: extraordinary
Hemi- Meaning: medium
- Hemisphere: hemisphere
Il- im- in- ir-Meaning: without / not / contrary
- Infertile: infertile
- Inappropiate: inappropriate
- Impossible: impossible
- Incurable: incurable
- Illiterate: illiterate
- Powerless: powerless
- Irregular: irregular
In- Im-Singnified: within, in
- Invest: invest
- Influence: influence
- Imbibe: drink / absorb
Inter- Meaning: between
- Interact: interact
- Interchange: exchange
Macro- Meaning: big
- Macroeconomics: macroeconomics
- Macrobiotic: macrobiotic
Micro-Meaning: small
- Microscope: microscope
- Microcosm: microcosm
- Microbe: microbe
My- meaning: wrong / wrong
- Misunderstanding: misunderstanding
- Mistake: error
- Mislead: confuse
Monkey- Meaning: one
- Monolingual: monolingual
- Monogamy: monogamy
- Monopoly: monopoly
No N-Meaning: no / without
- Nonexistent: nonexistent
- Nonsense: Nonsense
Post-: Meaning: after
- Postscript: postscript
- Postpone: postpone
Pre- pro- Meaning: before
- Prehistoric: prehistoric
- Prelude: prelude
- Prepare: prepare
Re-Meaning: again / again
- Reuse: reuse
- Repaint: repaint
Sub- suc- suf- sug- sup- sur- sus-Meaning: below / lower
- Sub-Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant
- Submarine: submarine
- Subsoil: subsoil
- Subway: underground
Trans-Meaning: through
- Transport: transport
- Translate: translate
- Transnational: transnational
- Transatlanctic: transatlantic
Tri- Meaning: three
- Tricycle: tricycle
- Triangle: triangle
A-Meaning: no / undo / contrary
- Unhelpful: useless
- Unnecessary: unnecessary
- Unacceptable: unacceptable
- Unreal: unreal
- Unhappy: unhappy
Under- Meaning: below
- Underage: minor
- Underdevelopment: underdevelopment
Examples of suffixes in English
Suffixes are classified depending on whether they are used to form nouns, verbs or adjectives
Suffixes that make nouns
–Ac –icmeaning: as / referring to
- Cardiac: cardiac
- Aquatic: aquatic
-to theMeaning: act / process
- Proposal: proposal
- Rehearsal: rehearsal
-ance –ence. Meaning: state / quality of
- Appearance: appearance
- Penance: penance
-Sun. Meaning: place / state
- Freedom: freedom
- Boredom: boredom
-er –or Meaning: person who fulfills the function of the root
- Teacher: teacher
- Lawer: lawyer
- Actor: actor
- Director: Director
-ism Meaning: doctrine / belief / ideology
- Nationalism: nationalism
- Buddhism: Buddhism
- Communism: communism
-ist: someone who holds the position expressed in the root
- Nationalist: nationalist
- Buddhist: Buddhist
- Communist: communist
-ity –ty: Meaning: quality of / state of
- Complicity: complicity
- Sagacity: sagacity
-ment. Meaning: condition of
- Treatment: treatment
-ship: construct abstract nouns
- Censorship: censorship
- Hardship: deprivation
- Friendship: friendship
-sion / -tion: construct diverse nouns
- Cohesion: cohesion
- Comprehension: understanding
- Depression: depression
Suffixes that build verbs
-ate. Meaning: to do
- Compensate: compensate
- Mitigate: mitigate
- Communicate: communicate
-on. Meaning: to turn into
- Harden: harden
- Smooth
- Enlighten: illuminate
-ify. Meaning: perform an activity
- Terrify: terrorize
- Quantify: count
- Magnify: increase
-ize, -ise. Meaning: to turn into
- Harmonize: harmonize
- Capitalize: capitalize
Suffixes that form adjectives
-able –ible. Meaning: capable of
- Portable: portable
- Legible: legible
- admissible: admissible
- Collectible: collectible
-acious –icious. Meaning: full of
- Audacious: bold
- Greed: miser
-fulForm adjectives from nouns
- Careful: careful
- Stressful: stressful
-ic –ical Meaning: relative to
- Classical: classic
- Magical: magical
- Scientific: scientist
-ious –ousmeaning: characterized by
- Ambiguous: ambiguous
- Ambitious: ambitious
-ishConvert a noun to a quality
- Bluish: bluish
- Childish: childish
-ive Converts a verb or a noun into a quality
- Administrative: administrative
- Affirmative: affirmative
-less Meaning: without
- Hopeless: hopeless
- Shameless: shameless
-and –ly Meaning: characterized by
- Funny: funny
- Lazy: lazy
- Elderly: elder
Many adverbs are constructed through an adjective and the suffix ly
- Extremely: extremely
- Slowly: slowly
- Softly: softly
- Happily: happily
It can serve you: Examples of Interrogative Adverbs in English
Andrea is a language teacher, and in her instagram account She offers private lessons by video call so you can learn to speak English.