The words ending in -net are, almost entirely, nouns. Some are from Female gender and others, male. For example: avionet, cornet, planet.
Some also present this ending adjectives: eginet, net, gonet.
avionet | exoplanet | net |
baynet | vannet | pantalonet |
bonet | gallinet | patinet |
cadenet | itnet | peinet |
trucknet | lunet | planet |
songnet | sleevenet | pimpnet |
bedspreadnet | Marionet | tocinet |
cornet | martinet | vaguenet |
cunet | motorcyclenet | gonet |
bonet | heenet | peinet |
cornet | itnet | planet |
cunet | lunet | gonet |
avionet | bedspreadnet | martinet |
baynet | vannet | motorcyclenet |
trucknet | gallinet | patinet |
songnet | Marionet | vaguenet |
catalinet | exoplanet | pantalonet |
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