50 Examples of Words that end in -rro
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Words that end in -rro
The words ending in -rro they can be masculine nouns or adjectives or verbs. In Spanish there are few words that have -rro at the end. For example: gorro, cencerro, recorro.
Some of these nouns Y adjectives are colloquial and are formed by adding the suffix -rro, which gives them a nuance diminutive or derogatory. This suffix has the variants -arro and -orro. For example: pebblerro, headrro. There are also other nouns that end in -rro, but do not add this suffix. For example: hierro, zorro.
Also, they have these letters at the end verbs whose infinitive ends in:
As to spelling rules, RR is written when the sound is strong and is between vowels. For example: perro, corro. But a single R is written, when the sound is soft and is between vowels or when it is strong and is next to a consonant. For example: but, chorus, honored.
Examples of words ending in -rro
beerro | chorro | incurro |
aburro | churro | harro |
abide byrró | cierro | narró |
aferro | concurro | perro |
agarro | corro | picarro |
Ah orrro | wearinessrro | mayrro |
lovesrró | wasterro | recorro |
sorro | destierro | recurro |
becerro | Embarró | sarro |
borro | encerró | socorro |
burro | understandrro | soterró |
headrro | andrró | susurro |
handlerro | faithfulrro | tarro |
chubrro | forró | testaferro |
cencerro | gorro | transcurro |
ECrro | pebblerro | yerro |
Chinarro | hierro | zorro |
Two-syllable words that end in -rro
barro | corro | narró |
borro | andrró | perro |
burro | faithfulrro | mayrro |
ACrro | forró | sarro |
ECrró | gorro | tarro |
chorro | hierro | yerro |
churro | harro | zorro |
Three syllable words that end in -rro
aburro | tastingrro | pebblerro |
aferro | cencerro | incurro |
agarro | Chinarro | picarro |
Ah orrro | concurro | recorro |
lovesrró | wearinessrro | recurro |
sorro | destierro | socorro |
becerro | I discussedrro | soterró |
handlerro | Embarró | susurro |
chubrro | encierro | transcurro |
Four syllable words that end in -rro
beerro | headrro | wasterró |
abide byrró | disagreerro | entrecerró |
Sentences with words ending in -rro
- Her saving half his salary for several years to buy a house.
- They sat down to rest on the bench iron from the park.
- The fritter The richest in this store is the one dipped in chocolate.
- Three times per week I run ten kilometers.
- In the restaurant they always serve you food with a pitcher of water, which is free.
- The Carpenter sawed some boards to build a ladder.
- Fabio adopted the puppy that she found in the park.
- The writer erased the parts of the story that she didn't like and she rewrote them.
- In my grandmother's house there is a jar full of sweets.
- There are cleaning products that are very good at removing the tartar.
- They were very happy, because in the forest they saw a Fox Red.
- When he was walking on the beach, I saw a pebble blue and put it in my bag.
- Ovid, the Roman poet, lived in the exile the last years of his life.
- Football player erred one goal, but then he made three incredible goals.
- The dog my neighbor is very friendly.
- When he got to the dock, tied up the sailboat for the others to descend.
- We will have to buy the cake tomorrow, because the confectionery already Hill.
- Manuel cover the books with torn covers.
- If you cold Go on, I think you should go to the doctor.
- My friend is weaving me a hat, which matches the scarf you knit me last year.
- Whenever I travel to a city, I walk all the museums that I can.
- That sound we hear, is it being caused by a rogue?
- When they reached the top of the mountain they were amazed, because they saw a donkey.
- I bought a new chair, because the old one was good, but it already looked like a jalopy.
- The bumblebee It is similar to the bee, but is slightly larger than this.
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