In Spanish, words ending in -phone are not very frequent and are, for the most part, nouns male. For example: audiphone, dictatesphone, xilóphone.
Also some adjectives end in -phone. For example: Anglophone, Frankphone.
However, this sequence also appears within many words, since it constitutes both a prefix as a suffix of Greek origin that, together with its feminine variant -phone, forms words that refer to voice or sound. For example: microphone, phonelogy, megaphone.
airedphone | phonethe | isophone |
áphone | phonelita | laryngophone |
Hellophone | phonelodge | magnetphone |
Anglophone | phonelogic | megaphone |
arabóphone | phonelogically | messagephone |
audiphone | phonelogical | microphone |
Audiophone | phonelogization | morphophonelodge |
citedphone | phonemeter | morphophonelogical |
dataphone | phonemimic | perphone |
dictatephone | phoneteak | copphone |
phone | phonetechnology | I radioedphone |
phoneaudiologist | phonetechnical | saxophonephone |
phonecaptor | Frankphone | TVphone |
phonespelling | gramphone | TVphonosubway |
phonegraph | hydrophone | vibratephone |
phonegraphically | homophone | videotelephone |
phonegrama | interphone | xilóphone |
Hellophone | dictatephone | interphone |
Anglophone | Frankphone | isophone |
audiphone | gramphone | megaphone |
citedphone | hydrophone | mesphone |
dataphone | homophone | microphone |
airedphone | phonelodge | phonemimic |
phonespelling | phonelogic | phonetechnical |
phonegraph | phonelogical | laryngophone |
phonegraphic | phonemeter | magnetphone |
phoneaudiologist | phonelogization | I radioedphone |
morphophonelodge | morphophonelogical | videotelephone |