Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2013
The word popularity we use it in our language to name fame and great acceptance that a person, generally an artist, athlete, politician, among others, has from ordinary people.
Now, we already know that what is considered popular and popularity will be determined more than anything by the enjoyment they have of people in general, it is difficult decide what is it that triggers the enormous popularity of someone, even this is one of the big questions that marketing experts and picture They try to unravel, and boy, is it difficult for them to determine for sure ...
Because we agree that most of the time what is popular does not go hand in hand with what is considered as quality but rather the opposite happens, what is postulated as elite usually does not arouse the interest of the bulk of the public opinion and it does, for example, on the part of a select and restricted group. Or failing that, despite the quality it has, it passes without pain no glory. Anyway, sometimes they tend to reconcile quality and popularity and some artistic products respond to both characteristics.
So from the foregoing it follows that there is no formula to get a popular product or artist from your kitchen, however, one approach to achieve this could be to adapt and follow the fashions or trends that predominate at a certain time.
Another procedure that many point to as a springboard to reach a popular creation is to leave aside as much as possible the economic issue and focus only on the achievement of a work that knows how to capture as best as possible an idea that satisfies the creative intentionality.
Among the synonyms that are usually used for this word we highlight those of fame and celebrity.
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