In the Spanish, words ending in -ba they are very frequent in feminine nouns. For example: alcoba, Pubba, comba, tryba, yesba.
We also find this ending in conjugated verbs of the first and third person singular of the past imperfect of the indicative mood, also called copreterite. For example: I / he / she sightba, challengeba, treatsba.
In addition, it can be in conjugated verbs of the third person singular of the present indicative or of the second person singular of the imperative mode ending in -bar. For example: traba, silba, roba.
This ending occurs in the verbs of the first conjugation ending in -ar. In the case of those ending with -er or -ir, on the other hand, they end in -ía. For example: corría, smileía.
slimsba | examineba | cousinba |
adoptba | invoiceba | prioritizeba |
housesba | filmba | tryba |
feintba | clawba | polishesba |
postponeba | graba | challengeba |
fileba | hereba | roba |
arroba | engorgeba | sprinkleba |
bocarriba | unmovedba | rumba |
tansba | insultba | jumpba |
searchba | tryba | sautéba |
calimba | maniataba | secreteba |
characterizesba | mentalizeba | yesba |
chinchorreaba | sightba | SWba |
kitchenba | orderba | suckbto |
buysba | in order toba | toba |
checkba | combba | tortureba |
contactba | clickba | traba |
Cordoba | Pintaba | traba |
run aroundba | treadba | treatsba |
shortba | placeaba | truckba |
takes careba | ironba | tromba |
teachesba | prepareba | yumba |
to theba | ECba | piba |
baba | chumba | raba |
Pubba | Cuba | samba |
beba | giba | silba |
boomba | itba | itsba |
acerba | homeba | judgeba |
adoredba | doubtba | liquefyba |
alcoba | I wroteba | cryba |
upba | guayaba | macumba |
caramba | joroba | brokenba |
blameba | dilatesba | sustainsba |
busba | doubtba | ultratumba |
sketchba | entangleba | xenophusba |
overflowsba | burpsba | zamba |
slideba | habitualba | stompba |
accustomsba | dismissba | galvanizeba |
accreditsba | uninstallba | normalizesba |
slimsba | uninstallba | perfectsba |
imprisonsba | removeba | salt and pepperba |
disagreeba | balancesba | subordinateba |
characterizesba | unbuttonsba | evolvesba |
counterbalanceba | disregardsba | sensitizesba |
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