Question and exclamation marks together
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Question and exclamation marks together
In Spanish, the question marks (?)and exclamation (!) they can be combined and used in the same sentence. For example: ¿¡How many times should I tell you!?
Question marks and exclamation marks are used to represent interrogative or exclamatory intonation, respectively, in writing. In Spanish, these are double signs, this means that there is an opening sign and a closing sign, and that obligatorily placed at the beginning and at the end of the corresponding statement, except in a few uses specials. For example: ¿Do you want to come to my house? / ¡How many doubts!
In some situations, we can use a sentence with an interrogative and an exclamatory sense at the same time. In those cases, the question and exclamation marks can be combined and used together. The recommended way for this type of sentence is by opening and closing the two signs at the same time. For example: ¿¡Are you sure of what you're saying!? / ¡¿Are you sure of what you're saying?!
Another way to convey this meaning is by opening the sentence with an exclamation point and closing it with the question mark, or vice versa, a form that is also admitted, although it is not the most common nor Recommend. For example:
¡How do you pretend that I don't get mad? / ¿How do you pretend that I don't get mad!Sentences with question marks and exclamation marks together
- ¡¿How can you think that I did such a thing?!
- ¿¡You are so cold!?
- ¡¿How dare you talk to me like that?!
- ¿¡You thought that I would not notice your betrayal!?
- ¡¿How can it be true?!
- ¿¡Have heard that explosion!?
- ¡¿Who would have thought they would end up like this?!
- ¿¡How could that tragedy have happened!?
- ¡¿It will keep raining?!, I can no longer be locked up.
- ¿¡Why don't you shut up for once!?
- ¡¿How you have grown so much in such a short time, girl?!
- Oh, my God, ¿¡what have you done!?
- ¡¿You couldn't have told me before it was too late?!
- ¿¡Why didn't you go to the police at that time?!?
- ¡¿You do not plan to accompany me on my debut?!
- ¿¡You still think he still loves you, after what he did?!
- ¡¿When will be the day that we meet again?!
- ¿¡Why does everything have to end so badly!?
- ¡¿How come I did not think of it before?!
- ¿¡Again you here!?
- ¡¿They will never give us a break in this job?!
- ¿¡You are proposing to me!?
- ¡¿You pretended that your actions had no consequences when you reacted like this?!
- ¿¡How could you have believed that vile hoax!?
- ¡¿You're saying that we'll never see each other again?!
- ¿¡You will really go out on the street dressed like this!?
- ¡¿You do not feel anything for me anymore?!
- ¿¡It may be getting this hot!?
- ¡¿What has happened here?!
- ¿¡Where have you been!?
See also: