The term syllable refers to the set of phonemes that are pronounced in a single blow of voice. This means that they can be defined as the phonological division of any word. The syllables make up the phonic core.
There are two types of syllables:
Depending on the location of the stressed syllable, the words are classified into:
The unstressed syllables will be marked in bold.
To open: TO open | Lower: in faith rior |
To accept: to cep tar | Infiltrate: in fil bring |
Groom: to ci ca lar | Information: in for ma tion |
Usher: how gives do | Computing: in for more you AC |
Couple: to co plar | Integrity: I griped you dad |
Accusation:to cu sa tion | Interest: in te beef |
What's more: to of more | Inside:in te rior |
Addiction: to dec tion | Lion: you on |
Trained: at ten tra do | Injure: yes nar |
Goodbye: to God | Dragon-fly:li bé lu the |
Guess: to di saw nar | Lemon: li mon |
Agricultural: to yelled tail | Mother: ma dre |
Reach it: to the dog za lo | Send: man give |
Murder: I know if nar | Peanut: ma neither |
Adviser:to se sor | Mission: me Zion |
A) Yes: to Yes | World: mun dial |
Assiduity: yes dui dad | Natural: na you ral |
Attention: bear tion | Naturalness: na tu ra li dad |
Athletic: to tlé you co | Foolishness: ne ce dad |
Aviation: via tion | Need: ne ce yes dad |
Poultry: to saw tail | Negotiation: business tion |
Avid: á i saw do | Number: num Mere |
Airplane: to vion | Ocean: or EC year |
Spur: tozu czar | Offer it: or fre cer I know |
Swing: ba lan cear | Olympic: or lim peak |
Pitcher: can ta ro | Orders: or from nes |
Reedbed: cane go ral | Organic: or ga nor co |
Chaotic: AC ó you co | Organization: or ga ni za tion |
Training: ca pa ci ta tion | Counselor: or laugh dor |
Captain: chapi so | Dad: padre |
Cover: AC rá you the | Page: pá gi na |
Mattress: cabbage chon | Country: pa ís |
Hummingbird: co li brí | Bird: páhah ro |
Fight: com bto throw | Pale: pa li do |
Comic: co my co | Panama: pa na more |
Ate: co Own | Pancreas: pan believe so |
Computation: how pu to | Trousers: ta bread lon |
Common: co bad | Parish priest: pa rro co |
Containment: with ten tion | Pathetic: pa tea you co |
Continental: with you baby such | Rollerblading: for you nar |
Contribute: with tri bu to go | Movie: pe li cu la |
Corral: co rral | Mouse: ra ton |
Cuts: cor teas | Rebellion:re be lion |
Rack: cos you llar | Recondite: re with say to |
Chronicle: cró nor ca | Rectangular: rec so gu lar |
Cross: cru czar | Rectangle: rec so gu what |
Quadrilateral: cua dri the I roam you | To return: re gre he |
Cubic: cu bi co | Flash of lightning: re The m pay |
Danish: gives nés | Religion: re li region |
Decision: of ci Zion | Rent: ren tar |
Decrepit: from I believed pi to | Creep: rep tar |
Daedalus: give give what | Rescue: res ca tar |
Dissemination: say I know me not | Rhetoric: re to delicious |
Disaggregate: dis gre gar | Reverse: re you see |
Equatorial: e cua t rial | Ridiculous: ri gave cu what |
Edification: e di fi ca tion | Corner: rin with |
Army: and jér ci to | Ritual: ri tual |
Elastic: and the you co | Romantic: ro man you co |
Choice: e lec tion | Broke: rom cheep |
Pigeonhole: In almostllar | Rotation: broken tion |
Encyclopedic: in cycle pe say co | Ruby: ru bi |
He found: in with tro | Ruminate: ru miar |
Deal: on the brink tar | Saturday: satba do |
Aesthetic: it is tea you co | Savor:sa bo rear |
Stipulate: it's you pu lar | Take out:sa car |
Stress: it is three | Leave: sa lir |
Evade: e goes dir | Salmon: Salt mon |
Exclamation: ex cla ma tion | According: I know gún |
Explanation: Explain tion | Wild. Sel he you co |
Explorer: ex plo ra dor | Semantic:I know man you co |
Ecstasy: Ex ta sis | Know it: I know stick |
Fable: fa bu la | Separation: To stop tion |
To ease: fa ci li tar | Syllable: yes the ba |
I win: ga not | Chair: Yeslla |
To guarantee: ga ran ti czar | South Africa: His gives cold |
Gargoyle: gar go the | Add it up: yes bad |
Generation: generate tion | Add: its sea |
Generosity: ge ne ro yes dad | Higher: his pe rior |
Genius: gechild | Also: tam well |
Geographical: ge o graphic fi co | Tarantula: ta rán you the |
To turn: gi rar | Technique: tec nor ca |
Glacial: gla cial | To knit: tea jer |
Gladiator: gla day dor | Telephone: tea you fo no |
Gland: glan du la | TV: i saw you Zion |
Gondola: gon do the | Tentacle: have tá cu what |
Gothic: gó you co | Termination: ends tion |
Graph: graph fi ca | Term: term My no |
Grammar: gra more you ca | Shark:you bu Ron |
Helicopter: I have li cop I roam you | Swindler: you ma dor |
Hero: he ro e | Rudder: you mon |
Heterogeneous: I have ro ge ne o | Typical: ti peak |
Hispanic: his pa nor co | To work: work jar |
Hysterical: his tea rich | Treason: I brought tion |
Hello: hothe | Transition: tran yeah tion |
Lodging house: hos such | Transplant: after plan tar |
Hotel: ho tel | Triangle: Triangle gu what |
Idol: ído what | Triptych: triptych you co |
Illegitimate:i him gí you mo | Tropic: tropic peak |
Illustration:i lus tra tion | Tunica. Your nor ca |
Unequivocal:I ne here vo co | Neighborhood: go cin dad |