In Spanish, the combination of consonants TR + vowel is very frequent. For example: tranvia, threeyes, tríor, notnco, truco.
traunder | threen | triunfo |
traPub | threenza | trivia |
traction | threepair | trivial |
tracto | threes | triwhoosh |
traduction | threeta | notwhat |
traer | trillado | nottar |
tragar | trillizos | nottskista |
tranvia | trinar | notvador |
trapo | trinchera | Troalready |
trastocar | trineo | notzo |
trathese | trinot | trucha |
trato | tríor | trucho |
travesura | tripa | truco |
trebowl | triple | truculent |
threeEC | tripolishing | trueno |
threecho | triste | trueque |
threeguide | triton | trufa |
threeinta | triture | truthey have |
trago | tramite | transe |
traheh | tramo | transference |
trajin | trampa | transgression |
trama | trans | transporte |
trebowl | threeinta | threestart |
threeEC | threemuloso | threepair |
threecho | threen | threes |
threeguide | threenza | threeta |
trito the | tribu | trienal |
triasic | tribuna | triga |
triatlon | tribunal | trigo |
tribal | tributo | trigueño |
notcear | notmpada | notnco |
notugly | notmpet | notfish |
notlebus | notmpo | notpo |
notmpa | notnador | notposphere |
trucha | trueno | trun |
trucho | trueque | trunation |
truco | trufa | trunco |
truculent | truthey have | trusa |
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