100 Examples of Words with UA
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Words with UA
The words with UA they can contain this combination of letters in the middle and at the end, but never at the beginning of the word. For example: acuariver cuanto, guiderdar.
This combination is quite common in Spanish, so there are many words in which it appears.
Since U is a weak vowel and A a strong vowel, when U is not the stressed vowel they form diphthong, that is to say, that the two vowels belong to the same syllable. For example: guar-give.In this case, the accent mark it is placed according to the rules of accentuation.
When the weak vowel (the U) is stressed, these two vowels form hiatus, that is, they belong to different syllables. For example: with-you-nú–to. In this case, the tilde is always placed beyond the general rules of accentuation.
Examples of words with UA
accentuation | cualitative | ingenua |
actuation | cuawhatever | insinuar |
actualizar | cuaing | intellectual |
acuarela | cuantitative | jaguar |
acuaRiver | cuanto | lengua |
adequatelyuado | cuarto | licuado |
agropecuaRiver | cuafour hundred | lituana |
agua | disuadir | mensual |
aguantar | dual | mutua |
aguardar | ecuation | nahuatl |
ajuar | ecuatorian | paraguas |
someuacil | effectuar | paraguame |
ambigua | escuadra | persuadir |
amortiguar | spiritual | peruanot |
anticuado | statua | pointuation |
oldua | evacuar | pointual |
anuaRiver | evaluation | what CHua |
appeaseuar | eventual | rebornuajo |
assiduamind | garúa | resguagiven |
I witnesseduar | gradual | ritual |
audiovisualual | graduago | secuaz |
I found outuar | grúa | situation |
casual | guapopcorn | situado |
casuality | guante | suago |
chihuahua | guarani | tatuaheh |
conceptual | guardar | textual |
consensuar | guardián | tregua |
contextualizar | guarida | uruguame |
continueuar | guanition | usual |
cuadernillo | guaTemalan | usuaRiver |
cuadriculate | habitual | vanguardia |
cuadro | igual | vestuaRiver |
cuadripede | iguana | virtual |
cual | individual | zaguán |
Sentences with words with UA
- Isabella painted a landscape with watercolors.
- How much does this hat cost?
- The guarani and Spanish are the official languages of Paraguay.
- The situation The region's economy appears to be improving.
- After graduate in college she started working as a lawyer.
- The response that the governor gave the journalist was quite ambiguous.
- Which is the name of the famous actor?
- The designer of the locker room Opera won three awards this year.
- They will build several statues in tribute to the athletes of the country.
- The chihuahua My neighbor's name is Felipe.
- The payment for the rent of the apartment is monthly.
- Before you go, could you save the grapes in the fridge?
- Juan eats fruit salad habitually.
- The student copied in his notebook what the teacher had written on the blackboard.
- My best friend is same to the famous singer.
- The last evaluation of the course will be in shape individual.
- The tadpoles they swim in the pond.
- When winter begins in Korea?
- A lots of quadrupeds they can swim.
- It's about to rain, I think it would be convenient for me to go out with him umbrella.