In Spanish, the combination of K + vowel is not very frequent and generally appears in words from other languages. For example: karate, whatfir, kimonkey, koto, kung-fu.
Phonetically, the K represents the same sound as C, before the vowels A, O, U; and also the pair Q + U combined with E - I. This is why many words can be written with both K-, C- or QU-. For example: bikini / bikini or folklore / folclore.
ka | whatpi | kinesiology |
kabuki | whatrhyme | kiowa |
káiser | whatrmes | kiribatian |
kaki | whatrosen | kirsch |
kamikaze | whatvlar | kiwi |
kappa | kibutz | koto |
karaoke | Kiev | kohl |
karateka | kiarea | koiné |
karma | kilim | kosher |
katana | kilobyte | Kosovo |
kazako | kilocality | KuLumpur wing |
whatbab | kilogrometer | kufiya |
whatfir | kilometer | kung fu |
whatlvin | kilotón | kunzita |
whating | kilt | kurchatovio |
Kegirl | kimonkey | kuRev |
whatntia | kinder | Kuwait |
kafkian | kantian | kata |
kan | karate | kayak |
whatniata | whatpi | Kevin |
kiev | kinésica | kilaugh |
kiko | kiosco | kit |
kiit | kirguís | kitsch |
kodzito | kopek | kosovar |
kurda | Kurdistan | kuwait |
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