Importance of Early Childhood
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
In the first years of life, the foundations of development (cognitive, emotional, social, physical) are established, which will sustain the person for the rest of his life, just like the beams of a building. According to UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), Early Childhood is the time from birth to eight years of age. It is a moment of great development throughout the physical and mental spectrum, in line with the influence of the environment, whether to favor -or not- full growth.
Within these first eight years, Medicine and Nutrition highlight the first 1000 days, as those fundamental for the health promotion, through medical care (vaccines, routine check-ups, care and/or medication, and treatments according to particular needs) and feeding (breast milk or formula, complementary feeding, supplements nutritional).
For Psychology, the first thousand days are also fundamental, since the "human puppy" is born extremely helpless -psychically-, without a chip that indicate what to do -which the rest of the animal species do-, which is why language surrounds them and enters them into culture, from the first contact.
Although each child is different and unfolds their potential at their own pace, there are acquisitions that are expected at a certain age, such as saying the first words, sitting down and walking. These are abilities that must be controlled by the pediatrician, in the first instance.
In the first eight years, most children enter the schooling or education process. formal, with the kindergarten -some before with the kindergarten- and, later, with the school primary. There they meet with their peers and have educators who promote physical, social and cognitive learning.
The kindergarten and the school are educational centers -extra-family- where the little ones meet realities different from their own and they are overcoming challenges of all kinds, from establishing a friendship, to solving a problem of math.
Consequences of violence in early childhood
Violence affects comprehensive health at any stage of life, but in early childhood it has the particularity of naturalize more easily, that is, if violent situations are experienced in the early years, they may be believed to be normal or expected.
If the violence becomes natural, it is likely that the child will soon use it in other relationships, for example, with their peers, teachers, siblings, pets. It also encourages him to believe that it is a valid way of relating and, as an adult, he is a violent person with his partner, children, at work, etc.
However, many times you can get out of the circle of violence through reflection, learning and therapeutic help (sometimes it is more difficult than others). In education against violence, the media and educational institutions also have a great role.
No baby or child -no one really- should be exposed to violence, as it causes irreparable damage. We include here physical violence (eg: beatings of any kind, hair pulling, shoving, lack of medical care, control and in the event of accidents), sexual (eg: abuse in its different forms, having relationships in front of the child), emotional (eg: shouting, insults) and psychological (eg: excessive demands for age, threats, intimidation, pathological overprotection, lack of attention).
Violence at this stage can also have a greater impact and a less favorable prognosis, which is why it is necessary to promote and protect, especially, the rights of children.
How to care for early childhood
Babies and children in their first years of life need one or more responsible caregivers, who can be mothers, fathers, uncles, grandparents, but what is essential is a presence that gives affective security to the child and that the little one understands that she will always be at his side. side.
Parenting must be loving, with time dedicated to stimulation and play, with clear limits, expressed with respect and according to the possibilities of the child's age and uniqueness.
Socialization is also very important to learn to interact with adults, other children and animals. At all times we are teaching social skills, for example, when we talk to them when changing a diaper, when we take them to the square, birthday or event, we tell them to say "please" and "thank you", etc.
Medical care ideally begins at the moment the person or persons decide to start a new life or at the moment the child joins the family through adoption. In pregnancy and childbirth there are controls and specific care, as well as periodic visits to the pediatrician in the first years in which it is evaluated development - eg: weight, height, fine and gross motor skills, eye gaze presence, social smile, eating, learning to sit up and walk-.
A healthy and varied diet will give your little one the strength to grow and will accustom his palate to certain food and flavors, it is therefore an opportunity for you to taste real food -fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes, meats-.
The development of autonomy must be progressive and accompanied, trusting in the potential of the child. The “BLW” (Baby Lead Weaning) or in its version “BLISS” (Baby Led Introduction to Solids) and the “free movement” go in this direction; in the first case: making room for self-regulation in intake and in the second focusing on: respect for times, forms and movement preferences.
It is very important to validate the emotions that the child is going through - joy, anger, frustration, sadness, etc.-, that is, understanding, accepting and accompanying these processes, putting ourselves in the place of the child. Little by little, the child will learn to manage his emotions more skilfully, but in the first four years of life -especially at two and three years- there will be many outbursts of crying and anger, being totally healthy (always within certain limits, to be evaluated by a professional psychologist, if necessary). necessary).
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