The hyperbaton, is a rhetorical figure that is used to exchange the order in which words would logically be used.
This figure, which began to be used in the 15th century, with the movement called Baroque, had several functions, which remain today. Some of its functions are:
To achieve hyperbaton, the natural order of the words within the sentence is altered (Subject + Predicate), to put first what you want to highlight. For example: There is your brother. In this case the emphasis is placed on the place. The natural order of the sentence would be: Your brother is there.
Some examples of this figure of speech can be observed in the following cases. Parentheses will clarify how they should actually be written:
Allusion | Exaggeration | Oxymoron |
Analogies | Gradation | Growing words |
Antithesis | Hyperbole | Parallelism |
Antonomasia | Sensory Imaging | Personification |
Comparison | Metaphors | Polysyndeton |
Ellipse | Metonymy | Synesthesia |