The letter Q is a consonant that is always used followed by a silent U and an E or an I. For example: whatuebrar, whatuitar.
The pronunciation of the Q is the same as that of the Q (kiosk) or to C when followed by A, O, U or a consonant (eat, create).
whatEU | whatuerella | whataincena |
whatuebracho | whatuerellante | whatuiniela |
whatuebrada | whatdear | whatuinoa |
whatbrittle | whatuesadilla | whatuinto |
whatgrief | whatbone | whatuintuple |
whatuechua | whatwhowhatuiera | whatuirurgical |
whatwheel | whatuieto | whatpicky |
whatuedar | whatuietude | whatuita stains |
whatto do | whatuijada | whatuita barely |
whatcomplaint | whatuimera | whatuitar |
whatlavish | whatuimic | whatuinta |
whatburned | whatuince | whatmaybe |
achawhatEU | caciwhatEU | arewhatEU |
achiwhatEU | calchawhatui | liwhatuen |
shelterwhatEU | limewhatEU | peanutwhatui |
cork treewhatEU | chewhatEU | tagwhatui |
alfeñiwhatEU | colowhatEU | notwhatui |
almanawhatEU | disembarkwhatEU | breadwhatEUwhatEU |
apartwhatEU | dislowhatEU | pairwhatEU |
towhatui | duwhatEU | forwhatEU |
arlewhatuín | embarwhatEU | piwhatEU |
tiewhatEU | focuswhatEU | tabiwhatEU |
bolsheviwhatEU | enrowhatEU | towhatEU |
buwhatEU | it iswhatui | and awhatEU |
adwhatuirir | cirwhatuero | mawhattooling |
towhatcomplain | withwhatuistar | morewhatuina |
towhatwounded | cowhatueto | seawhatbone |
arwhatueology | coswhatuilla | Iwhatuetrefe |
arwhatwanted | onwhatlisted | neitherwhatwounded |
arwhatuetype | andwhatunit | orwhatuesta |
Arwhatuimedes | andwhatuidistant | pawhatuete |
arwhatuitect | andwhatequilibrium | pairwhatuimeter |
bawhatuean | andwhatuino | hairwhatuero |
biwhatuini | andwhatuipo | pewhatdream |
blanwhatwowed | andwhatuivalent | piwhatuete |
bowhatuerón | inwhatuieto | tawhatuigraphy |
bowhatuete | liwhatuido | teawhatuila |
bowhatuilla | itwhatuero | tranwhatuility |
branwhatuia | keepwhatuilla | hewhatuero |
chiwhatuito | mawhatueta | zowhatuete |
Follow with:
Words with B | Words with K | Words with X |
Words with C | Words with LL | Words with Y |
Words with D | Words with Q | Words with Z |
Words with H | Words with W |