30 Examples of Words with tilde
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Accent mark
The accent mark It is a sign that is used in writing to accentuate the syllable with greater force or phonic tone. In the Spanish language, the tilde is placed on the vowels (Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú) and can be used as a masculine term (the tilde) or feminine (the tilde) indistinctly.
The tilde is also called the orthographic accent and differs from the prosodic accent in the latter there is no accent. The tilde is the spelling accent, that is, the one that is written on the word. The prosodic accent is the most stressed pronunciation of one syllable over another. For example, the word bed has a prosodic accent on its first syllable (ca), but it does not have an accent.
The diacritical tilde It is that accent that is used to differentiate words that could have the same meaning. For example: tea (infusion), tea (pronoun).
Use of the tilde
The tilde is used respecting the spelling rules of the words grave, sharp, esdrújulas Y sobreesdrújulas.
Sharp words with tilde
High-pitched words are those whose intonation or stressed syllable is the last. The accent or spelling accent is applied to those acute words that end in "n", "s" or vowel.
For example:
tobrió | organizeción | desolateción |
agitó | premonición | hegón |
dogción | SWFá | tonís |
comuneitherón | Sundó | pairyouó |
demonstrateción | bedyouón | salió |
durmeó | interpretción | país |
playrás | arguesción | ACYó |
(!) Exceptions
Serious words with tilde
The serious words are those whose stressed syllable is the penultimate. By spelling rule, these words must have an accent when they do not end in N, S or vowel.
For example:
aeróbic | Báez | néctar |
ágil | cóndor | Néstor |
tozúcar | dócil | Ónix |
álboom | dólar | Pérez |
ámPub | Domínguez | póker |
ángel | Fácil | poliéster |
árbowl | mármole | puber |
(!) Exceptions
When there are two vowels together, a strong vowel (A, E, O) with a weak vowel (I, U), the weak one is accentuated to produce hiatus, that is, the separation of the diphthong. Thus, the contiguous vowels are separated forming two syllables, giving rise to the hiatus accentuated.
For example:
acenyourto | fromcto | exigíto |
yearneitherto | foldlaughto | oncto |
Augneitherto | dormyto | ñanduoit is |
joy | duoor | spellfyto |
aleyelledto | ecologíto | watchlaughto |
acyourand | egoísta | podrito |
reachcto | elegíto | poeYesto |
hautelaughto | ANDliace | copcto |
bahito | emergíto | tobríto |
corrito | Jangíto | raíces |
Words esdrújulas and sobreesdrújulas with tilde
Most of the esdrújulas words Y sobreesdrújulas have an accent, except those whose word can be modified and use the suffix-mind. In this case, if the original word has an accent, that accent is respected. Otherwise, if the word ends in -mind no tilde will be placed.
For example: men - tal - men - tea does not have an accent because the original word (mental) does not have an accent. Conversely, á - gil - men - te, it does have an accent since the original word (agile) is a word with a written accent or spelling accent.
Words esdrújulas with tilde
áarabic | withyuge | homogeneo |
antibióattic | whatpolish | smokelaughsattic |
ringmoreattic | fromficit | thurápsycho |
totléattic | fromposite | itgico |
brocoli | drásattic | moregico |
AClido | echonotmonkey | melisubway |
ACmara | andjérI quote | nanotsubway |
ACóattic | isdayattic | obstáass |
ACrátula | fanaattic | orxigeno |
ACyoutrophy | fanyouattic | pagina |
EChound | fyphysical | pajaro |
EClula | fonéethics | polvora |
cenyousubway | foráneo | heremica |
ECrámica | geographicphico | satealites |
circleass | geoitgico | tearritail |
clápsycho | gráphysical | ortopeak |
comonkey | heterogeneo | múphysical |
Words sobreesdrújulas with tilde
áopen it to me | withYesname it | ráquickly |
topagamelo | rangiencanopy | recomegive it to him |
toprénstop it | dancanopy | releathergive it to me |
totrapamelo | fromjeselo | repifear me |
birdlaughguide it | fromcgive it to me | laughquickly |
tosawsame it | engañáncanopy | romanethically |
bajensela | savegive it to me | russianethically |
bébanselo | iwildebeestuseful | itsbitten |
borrancanopy | practiceethically | technoitgically |
chodogcanopy | heremically | youmeasured |