The verbs They are words that are used to express actions, states, attitudes, conditions, events of nature or existence. For example: andstudy, andwrite, andscurry.
The infinitives of verbs with E (like all verbs) can have three endings: -ar (andntregar, andfind), -er (andntend, andexpose), -to go (andexist, andexclude).
andducar | andemphasize | andclarify |
andexecute | andinfirm | andscoger |
andjercer | andcool | andsconder |
andjerk | andenrage | andwrite |
andlegir | andcheat | andlisten |
andlimit | andgo crazy | andstablish |
andplay | andnojar | andstar |
andmbaucar | andenrich | andtremble |
andmbellecer | andnsayar | andvadir |
andmbestir | andteach | andexclude |
andmitigate | andntend | andxhibit |
andstart | andto stumble | andxigir |
andmpoverish | andenter | andexist |
andunderstand | andentertain | andxpandir |
andfall in love | andsadden | andexpress |
andsing | andntrometer | andxpress |
andrise | andgrow old | andxtender |
andpick up | andsend | andextinguish |
andnderify | andreturn | andbring up |
andnfadar | andscabull | andxtrain |
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