100 Examples of Diphthong, Tripthong and Hiatus
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Diphthong, tripthong and hiatus
The diphthong, the tripthong and the hiatus are sound chains that contain the same or different vowels and that, according to the spelling rules of Spanish, must meet certain stress requirements.
The diphthong is the sound chain in which a pair of different vowels are joined in the same syllable.
The diphthong can be made up of:
There are some additional considerations regarding the diphthong, such as that the letter Y will occasionally form a conjunction of this type, or that the letter H when it does not produce sound will not prevent one of they. For example: over therelar.
Examples of diphthong
Aceitar | Fortuito | Miedo |
Over therelar | FEUgo | Millionio |
Aire | Gaucho | Monstruo |
Aipink | Gourmet | MEUthe |
AndrI heardfrom | Guardar | Novia |
Aullar | Guanition | I heardgo |
Aulido | Guarura | Oleico |
Aurora | Hacia | Paraguas |
Auto | Harapiento | PeiI swim |
BI heardna | HEUit | Peine |
BI heardnas | HEUyou are | Pleito |
Caiman | HEUvo | Polaina |
Causa | Idoneidad | PEUblada |
CI heardma | Incauto | Reina |
CI heardncidence | Intelectual | Reinot |
Cuadr | Jauthe | REUgives |
CEUnto | Jesuita | Ruido |
CEUrdas | Juicio | Ruitwo |
Cuidice | Junio | Ruin |
Encauwhoosh | Laura | Ruina |
Enviugive | Laurel | Saijoin |
Beounidense | Lourdes | Soucome |
Euphoria | MaiDinner | Vaina |
Eunape | Maizal | Veinte |
Faisaint | Maullar | Viudo |
Fatuo | Maulido | Zaire |
The triphthong occurs when there are three vowels in the same syllable.
Triphthongs are less frequent and many of them occur in the conjugations of the second person (you), to the extent that the vowels "iái" are combined on many occasions.
Examples of triphthongs
Abreviéis | Ciais | Huaico |
Acahual | Codiciéis | Hualieuethics |
Acariciéis | Contagiéis | Hwowra |
Acopiéis | Copiéis | Hwowzontle |
Actuis | Crieis | Huay |
Ahwowtle | Cuaimore | Huayco |
Reliefiais | Cwownahuac | Huei |
Amortiguis | Cwowtepec | Hueitlatoani |
Announceiéis | Cwowtitlan | Lieis |
Appreciateiéis | Cwowtla | Cleaniais |
Apremiéis | Despreciéis | Cleaniauñas |
Arreciais | Dioico | Lwow |
Besiegediéis | Effectiveuéis | Belittlingiais |
Associais | Enunciéis | Miau |
Atrophiéis | Enviciais | Nahtle |
Let's seeiéis | Envyiéis | Paraguay |
Find outuis | Studyiéis | Parodiéis |
Biaural | Fiais | Riais |
Biauricular | Gwow | Rociais |
Bioicomputer science | Güey | Santigüéis |
Buey | Guieis | Semiautomatic |
Cambiais | Habituis | Terciais |
Cartographyiéis | Haliéuethics | Uruguay |
The hiatus (also called "adiphong“) Occurs when the tonic characteristics of a word or the pronunciation force to separate a diphthong or tripthong into different syllables.
The hiatus can be:
The hiatus is very frequent in the Spanish language: all the conjugated verbs in the conditional tense (to runí – to) and in some of the past imperfect (Saltí – to) are examples of this.
As in the other cases, it is worth saying that the presence of the letter H between the vowels it does not break the hiatus but maintains it. Here is a list of examples of words with hiatus.
Examples of hiatus
Abstraido | Coreógraph | I hearddo |
Acedía | Runía | I heardr |
Actía | Crheydo | Pais |
Airconvict | Deseo | Pio |
Therenco | Día | Proh yeahbo |
Ah orgaría | Diarrea | Psychiatristía |
Ah orrcado | Sleepingía | Púa |
Ah orrrar | EgI heardsta | Raiz |
AlbahaAC | Shelfía | Raúl |
Alcohol | Studyía | Recaudería |
Archeólogo | Etymologyía | Rheyn |
Asamblheysta | Etiologyía | Rhuhye |
Ataúd | Fluor | Rheyr |
Autobiographyía | Frio | Reune |
Baúl | Geografía | Rio |
Biografía | Grúa | satía |
Biología | Heroe | Saúco |
Bor hasrdilla | Homeopathyía | Saúl |
Buho | Jahn | Seul |
Cacyear | Laúd | Sociologyía |
Fallía | Lhey | Smileie |
ACía | León | Teanot |
Cyearba | Licuo | Tio |
Cardiologyía | Lineea | Transeunte |
Cohetea | Maiz | Turbohhlice |
Confectionería | Seaía | Zoología |
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