Comic Characteristics
Literature / / July 04, 2021
The comic strip is a literary genre that emerged with Greek, Egyptian and even Roman hieroglyphs or images as a precedent.
The comic strip is a kind of booklet or book that can be alone or be part of a series of notebooks or stories. The purpose of the cartoon also called comic is to tell a story (generally unreal or fictional), which has the mission of entertaining and in some cases to inform.
The educational purpose of this type of books is little, they are rather for distraction and are a series of stories that they tell fragments or adventures in chapters that are enclosed in one or two volumes that are generally small pages.
They can be applied to various themes and Will Esner has accurately defined it as a graphic narrative. This when entering Japan suffered some phenomena such as the low quality of the paper and becoming a "Manga" industry, which has revolutionized writing in that country.
![cartoon Characteristics of the comics](/f/313d3606b1b092f5aaf93a8326f83d02.jpg)
Aspects and characteristics of the comic strips.
Graph.- Comics can cover many subjects, but their main characteristic is that they are related exclusively with images and the texts were placed to complement the images.
Texts.- The texts of the comics complement the images and limit themselves to saying everything that cannot be deduced from the images, since in these genres the story line can be understood through images and it can even be seen by illiterate people and understand the whole idea through to transmit.
Genders.- The comics up to this moment have ventured into all genres, highlighting in:
- Adventure
- War
- Science fiction
- Mecha (planes and robots)
- Love
- Drama (Dorama)
- Comedians
- sports
- Fantastic
- Historical
- Western
- Policemen
- Investigation (Detectives)
Structure.- The comic or cartoon is made up of:
- Tables or Vignettes.- These are pictures or boxes that enclose a series of previously separated images and in these a complete fragment of the story is framed in several images.
- Drawings.- These represent the facts that should be appreciated by the reader, and those who look at it express with their figures the actions described in the "sandwiches".
- Sandwich.- This is a circle or figure in which the text is written, either the one that the character thinks or the one that says.
- Text.- This is written in specific places, saying what the characters think and explains what they do, it can be found in a box on the top, bottom or in the sandwiches.
- Onomatopoeia.- It is the writing of the noises or moans that the characters make, they apply them both to things and to the characters themselves, ranging from broken items (glasses, glass, etc.).
- Story.- This is the theme that is expressed in the story, the varieties of the theme are almost unlimited, since they can express everything that one considers and can be adapted to any theme (subject or idea).