The words ending in -sor are not very frequent in Spanish and are, generally, nouns or adjectives male. For example: sawsor, impulsesor, Profsor.
Many of these nouns and adjectives are derived from other nouns, adjectives, and verbs, by adding the suffix -or. East suffix it is used to indicate that “someone or something that does what is expressed in the root of the word”. For example: ascendsor, defendsor, revisor.
But there is also another suffix -or, which is used to form abstract nouns male. For example: espesor, grosor.
Also, there are two nouns that don't add any suffixes: the feminine noun sor and the foreignnesssponsor.
addsor | ejectedsor | Profsor |
assaultsor | extendsor | promisor |
antecedentsor | grosor | propelsor |
ascendsor | imprintsor | provisor |
grabsor | unexpectedsor | radio transmisor |
aspersor | impulsesor | reconvertsor |
censor | incursor | rebukesor |
I boughtsor | intercedesor | represor |
cursor | invasor | retrovisor |
defendsor | inversor | revisor |
uncomprehendsor | neurotransmisor | sensor |
diffusor | offendsor | sor |
divisor | opresor | it happenssor |
emisor | precursor | I supervisedsor |
espesor | predictssor | televisionsor |
sponsor | prensor | transmittedsor |
Evesor | anticipatedsor | sawsor |
censor | grosor | sensor |
cursor | prensor | havesor |
censor | grosor | sensor |
cursor | prensor | havesor |
grabsor | espesor | incursor |
aspersor | espónsor | invasor |
I boughtsor | Evesor | inversor |
defendsor | ejectedsor | offendsor |
diffusor | extendsor | opresor |
assaultsor | unexpectedsor | reconvertsor |
antecedentsor | intercedesor | retrovisor |
uncomprehendsor | predictssor | I supervisedsor |
neurotransmisor | radio transmisor | turbopropsor |
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