The words ending in -so they are usually masculine nouns and adjectives or verbs. For example: heSW, astonishmentSW, improviSW.
This ending is very frequent in Spanish, therefore, it appears in many words, which can be:
hereSW | espeSW | penSW |
ambitiousSW | spongeSW | priceSW |
astonishmentSW | expressSW | proposedSW |
beSW | expuSW | pulSW |
dogSW | falSW | whatSW |
ACSW | ganSW | rebalSW |
cauSW | glamorousSW | rewardSW |
cenSW | beautifulSW | come backSW |
ECSW | hueSW | religioSW |
confuSW | improviSW | repoSW |
creamSW | impulseSW | noiseSW |
carefulSW | impuSW | be quietSW |
curSW | ingenuitySW | SuspectSW |
delightSW | enterSW | suspendSW |
restSW | intruSW | greenishSW |
I doubtSW | manSW | embarrassedSW |
spaceSW | dangerSW | victoriousSW |
coSW | peSW | haveSW |
andSW | piSW | toSW |
liSW | puSW | orSW |
orSW | whoSW | heSW |
paSW | ruSW | yeSW |
aliSW | payaSW | I tasteSW |
lovesSW | repuSW | silkSW |
aviSW | retroSW | supuSW |
famousSW | reviSW | worthSW |
gooseSW | I roarSW | windSW |
go throughSW | interestSW | grudgeSW |
warmSW | novelSW | back offSW |
successSW | prideSW | rigorousSW |
fabulousSW | stickySW | I supervisedSW |
genderSW | mightySW | gloomySW |
benefitSW | impaleSW | marvelousSW |
difficultSW | enabledSW | meticulousSW |
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