The words ending in -ten are, generally, verbs whose infinitive ends in -tar and that are conjugated in second (you) or third (they, they) plural person of the present subjunctive or second person plural of imperative. For example: doghave, holdhaveI askedhave.
They also have these letters at the end:
herehave | I discussedhave | they lifthave |
accepthave | divierhave | whilehave |
admhave | emihave | orienhave |
adopthave | existhave | allowhave |
affecthave | falhave | planhave |
afeihave | encouragehave | preshave |
allerhave | gashave | promisehave |
aporhave | gluhave | prayhave |
brohave | grahave | I receivedhave |
doghave | gushave | redachave |
corhave | therehave | repairhave |
cuenhave | importanthave | rescuehave |
cueshave | insisthave | resisthave |
musthave | intenthave | hehave |
deshave | inventhave | sahave |
desishave | invihave | soilhave |
Dechave | lickhave | have |
cihave | pachave | beefhave |
grihave | pairhave | Salthave |
Junhave | pinhave | nothave |
manhave | whohave | gohave |
monhave | renhave | vohave |
acohave | imihave | askedhave |
agihave | limithave | refuhave |
Aughave | medihave | relahave |
yearhave | objectionhave | repihave |
evihave | omihave | subjecthave |
accreditedhave | weakenedhave | congratulationshave |
go aheadhave | delimihave | abilityhave |
foodhave | deposihave | I collectedhave |
capacityhave | I exercisedhave | repercussionhave |
coexistshave | easyhave | I requestedhave |
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