In Spanish, words ending in -quito and -quita are, for the most part, nouns or adjectives. For example: Mariremove, mezremove, periI remove.
This sequence may contain in some cases the suffix -ito which, together with its feminine variant -ita, form:
On verbs ending in -quitar, the ending -quite corresponds to the third person singular of the present indicative mood and the second person singular of imperative mode. For example: finiremove, remove.
While the ending -quito corresponds to the first person singular of the present indicative mood. For example: desI remove, it isI remove. And if it carries accent mark (- removed), refers to the third person singular of the simple past perfect indicatively. For example: shrunk, retaliated.
achiremove | disI remove | periI remove |
love himremove | it isremove | petaremove |
arI remove | finiremove | piI remove |
aceI remove | finiI remove | pizremove |
banI remove | flaremove | poI remove |
PubI remove | foI remove | puerI remove |
sweepremove | coldI remove | whoremove |
Blanremove | fresI remove | remove |
boremove | graphI remove | Quito |
cariaI remove | hociI remove | took away |
catremove | hueI remove | saI remove |
cerremove | itI remove | heI remove |
cerI remove | badremove | suchremove |
chaletI remove | Mariremove | tamarindremove |
chancaremove | mezremove | tamarindI remove |
charI remove | myremove | tamarrusI remove |
chiquita | myI remove | taI remove |
chiI remove | Moniremove | traremove |
ateremove | moremove | truI remove |
coI remove | weremove | turremove |
cuenI remove | weI remove | heremove |
desremove | dollI remove | zanremove |
remove | took away | Quito |
cerremove | mezremove | whoremove |
chiI remove | myremove | heI remove |
coI remove | moremove | suchremove |
desremove | weremove | turremove |
it isremove | poI remove | zanremove |
achiremove | ateremove | Mariremove |
cariaI remove | ateremove | dollI remove |
catremove | finiremove | periI remove |
chancaremove | badremove | petaremove |
love himremove | tamarindremove | tamarrusI remove |