In Spanish, there are very few words ending in -uga and, in most cases, it is nouns Y adjectives female. For example: lechuga, moruga, tortuga.
This sequence is also part of the compositional element -fugue, which means "escapes from" or "drives away", and is mainly adjectives. For example: centrifugeuga, feverishuga, flame retardantuga.
On verbs ending in -place, the ending -uga refers to the third person singular present of the indicative mood or to the second person singular of the imperative. For example: acaluga, enjuga, madruga.
acaluga | desyuga | moruga |
alechuga | enjuga | muga |
apechuga | enruga | oruga |
arruga | ensuga | pechuga |
tieuga | enteruga | pestuga |
averduga | entrepechuga | profuga |
Ohuga | enyuga | puga |
beluga | feverishuga | remuga |
boruga | Fuga | ruga |
buga | smokeuga | salpuga |
limeuga | granifuga | samuga |
castuga | hydrophuga | smileuga |
centrifuga | flame retardantuga | subyuga |
centrifugeuga | jamuga | tamuga |
conjuga | jeruga | taruga |
contrafuga | lampuga | tenifuga |
corruga | lechuga | tortuga |
developuga | lucifuga | transferuga |
disengageuga | madruga | transferuga |
desjuga | malluga | uruga |
deslechuga | seauga | vermilionuga |
spiteuga | kill himúga | verruga |
buga | Fuga | muga |
arruga | castuga | enjuga |
Ohuga | conjuga | enruga |
beluga | corruga | ensuga |
boruga | desjuga | lechuga |
limeuga | desyuga | taruga |
acaluga | spiteuga | hydrophuga |
apechuga | enteruga | flame retardantuga |
centrifugeuga | feverishuga | lucifuga |
contrafuga | smokeuga | nestlinguga |
disengageuga | granifuga | tenifuga |
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