The words ending in -on and -ón they are usually adjectivesor nouns. For example: cottonon, cabbageon, limon.
In addition, there are verbs ending in -on (when conjugated in the third person plural of the simple past perfect of indicative). For example: they / they singon, playon, clean upon.
The ending -on will have a tilde, or not, depending on the type of word in question. When it is a sharp word that ends in -on, it will always have an accent (except monosyllables). For example: songon, personificationon, prayeron.
abduccion | carton | interpretationon |
abolishedon | jacketon | ion |
affiliationon | clon | jabon |
grabbedon | coccion | jergon |
cottonon | cabbageon | to washon |
pillowon | eaton | readon |
allusion | sharedon | limon |
aluvion | commenceon | liston |
hoston | con | millon |
annotationon | conceptualizationon | nailon |
annulledon | configurationon | optionon |
turned offon | congregationon | pavilionon |
I appealedon | commemorationon | ballon |
squeezedon | cotillon | plancton |
frameon | believeon | polysyndeton |
asyndeton | debateron | protectionon |
attentionon | deformationon | raton |
audicion | leton | lineon |
avion | don | ron |
lowon | dragon | salmon |
balon | sleeperon | healon |
baston | brushon | sowon |
blessedon | wason | feelingon |
bidon | faraon | Sentieron |
boxon | snoopon | situationon |
calzon | fogon | son |
camion | trainingon | tendon |
camison | outon | vacationon |
songon | furgon | comeon |
cannelon | fusion | vision |
dogon | galon | vocationon |
Two-syllable words that end in -on and -ón
actionon | jamon | loston |
balconyon | youon | piton |
dogon | me ifon | region |
claxon | pasion | suchon |
Three syllable words that end in -on and -ón
chordon | hangon | clean upon |
aggressiveon | confusedon | pimenton |
battalionon | deductionon | blackboardon |
changeon | ladderon | saxophoneon |
Four syllable words that end in -on and -ón
abdicatedon | declarationon | limiton |
to accuseon | educateon | motivationon |
atmosphereon | hyperbaton | breathingon |
computationon | retirementon | overcomingon |
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