In Spanish, the words ending in -je they are conjugated nouns or verbs.
addressesheh | deshoheh | mesheh |
storesheh | disassembleheh | moblaheh |
moonlightheh | despeheh | monheh |
yellowsheh | foldheh | rideheh |
anchorheh | drainsheh | oleaheh |
scaffoldingheh | packheh | paisaheh |
learnsheh | pushheh | in order toheh |
refereeheh | encaheh | happensheh |
landheh | assemblesheh | patinaheh |
self-learningheh | equipsheh | peaheh |
bagaheh | spyheh | peelheh |
balconyheh | the thing isheh | pilgrimheh |
ballotheh | fileheh | personheh |
banditheh | fucksheh | weightheh |
shieldheh | liningheh | featherheh |
brebaheh | photomontageheh | percentagesheh |
DIYheh | fuselaheh | luggage rackheh |
cabotheh | garaheh | squidheh |
camouflagesheh | gramaheh | tipheh |
dogheh | buckleheh | branchheh |
canoeheh | hereheh | recycleheh |
carriageheh | toolheh | reportsheh |
caudillaheh | homageheh | stemheh |
chantaheh | hostsheh | clothingheh |
compostheh | kilometerheh | sabotageheh |
conserveheh | largometristheh | saveheh |
counter-espionageheh | languageheh | tattooheh |
heartheh | linaheh | stripheh |
strapheh | makeupheh | traheh |
curtainheh | massheh | trickheh |
shortheh | mediometryheh | bandheh |
timeheh | oreheh | viaheh |
unpackheh | menjunheh | voltaheh |
baheh | andheh | monheh |
buheh | faheh | paheh |
ECheh | gaheh | puheh |
fromheh | liheh | traheh |
gaveheh | moheh | viaheh |
alfanheh | deducedheh | reflexheh |
cobiheh | estiaheh | rowingheh |
leadheh | maneheh | semeheh |
conserveheh | metraheh | translateheh |
cordaheh | expertheh | weltheh |
resembleheh | pairheh | patrolheh |
contradictedheh | gearheh | pupilheh |
evictionheh | hashtagheh | tonheh |
crumbleheh | introduceheh | dipstickheh |
desvaliheh | mixed raceheh | vassalheh |
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