In Spanish, a large number of words ending in -na They are nouns Y adjectives female gender. For example: swallowna, goodna, salena.
The second person formal (you) and the third person (he / she) of the singular also end in -na. Present of indicative mood, and the second of the singular (you) of the imperative mode of the verbs with infinitive in -nar (walk, have breakfast, relate): camina, breakfastna, relatedna.
olive oilna | glycerinna | Persiana |
Africana | glicina | personna |
alacena | governedna | peruana |
storagena | swallowna | porcelainna |
Argentina | sweetiena | I protectedna |
troughna | Guillermina | purpurina |
Berna | harina | whatna |
boliviana | hermana | fifteenna |
breezena | humana | rana |
coffeena | equalna | I reflectedna |
campesina | illusionna | reina |
capitana | impregna | relatedna |
caravana | impressionna | resina |
Catalina | insulina | Romena |
china | laguna | ruina |
I cookna | minena | rutina |
fillna | far awayna | satna |
columna | Liliana | sardina |
chorusna | linterna | weekna |
quarantinena | liviana | sirena |
Cubana | drizzlena | sordina |
decena | luna | Susana |
I calledna | madrina | taberna |
Dayna | applena | tisana |
disciplina | Mariana | toxina |
onna | marquesina | tribena |
endorphicna | medicina | usina |
Come inna | membrana | vacuna |
escena | mexicana | neighborna |
spyna | morena | salena |
skina | neurona | Frina |
fauna | nitroglycerina | vitrina |
gelatina | pagena | zona |
customsna | cadena | wearinessna |
Anana | campana | twelvena |
in view ofna | cantina | doctrina |
arena | casena | fractionna |
birdna | cavena | it workedna |
whalena | centena | gallina |
bocina | closena | mannana |
cabina | chilina | machinena |
i guessedna | breakfastna | occasionna |
hazelnutna | gasolina | officena |
sugarna | imaginena | providedna |
dancerna | wild pigna | Super alonena |
auberginena | lavandina | serpentina |
compagina | Magdalena | solutionna |
contamina | napolitana | Venicena |
I challengedna | christmas evena | vitaminsna |
adrenalinena | equatorialna | megalomana |
alienna | electrogena | musicomana |
Americana | congratulationsna | penicillina |
cancerousna | scarletna | republicna |
fellow citizenna | studentna | samaritena |
counter-salena | Greco-Romanna | seven monthsna |
copernicana | hemoglobina | vegetativena |
dominicana | tearna | Venezuelanna |
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