In Spanish, the words ending in -les include nouns, The majority of them compounds verb + noun. For example: paper cutterthem, save moneythemwindow cleanerthem. In the form -les, this ending is found in severalĀ adjectivesgentile male. For example: burgathem, nepathem, ingthem.
The ending -les is also present in the plural of adjectives and in nouns ending in l. For example: bricklayerthem, marblethem, geniusthem.
There are also some verb forms with the ending -les:
Finally, the pronounthem is a form of the third person plural: Them gave the book they asked for.
Examples of words ending in -les
abdominalthem | schoolgirlthem | ingthem |
abyssthem | tradethem | integratesthem |
accidentthem | compithem | isoscethem |
actorthem | councilorthem | boardthem |
afithem | consulthem | throw methem |
agithem | continentthem | legisthem |
bricklayerthem | controlthem | them |
sheriffthem | correspondentthem | window cleanerthem |
rentthem | paper cutterthem | glossythem |
bullishthem | credencethem | marshathem |
animathem | cristathem | wednesdaythem |
anofethem | Damocthem | modthem |
apithem | decibethem | worldthem |
Herethem | apronthem | navathem |
Aristotlethem | derailthem | nepathem |
Ricethem | Diagonthem | parcethem |
carthem | docithem | Pericthem |
avithem | imprisonthem | paperweightthem |
railingthem | essencethem | bagthem |
barricadethem | Spanishthem | clipboardthem |
bemothem | spongethem | rationthem |
edgethem | easythem | areathem |
bozathem | ghostthem | saverthem |
burgathem | gathem | senegathem |
coffeethem | generatethem | singathem |
canethem | sunflowerthem | Sophocthem |
cancethem | bodyguardthem | sopthem |
candithem | guardthem | paper clipthem |
caracothem | habithem | threwthem |
carnivalthem | Hercuthem | togothem |
cartethem | Hospitathem | swallowthem |
waxythem | Hotelthem | triputhem |
cingathem | infantithem | vitathem |
ancthem | huethem | sathem |
burthem | infthem | sopthem |
cuethem | ingthem | suethem |
meetthem | mixthem | His pthem |
gathem | deadthem | tremblethem |
habthem | pethem | vuethem |
I longthem | Embathem | modthem |
camouflagethem | emuthem | wavethem |
compithem | enjauthem | repethem |
consuethem | escathem | threwthem |
depithem | skithem | emptythem |
disinfthem | urgesthem | vigithem |
cornerthem | undothem | spongethem |
accumulatedthem | dissimuthem | isoscethem |
annihilatedthem | soakthem | glossythem |
anofethem | enchantedthem | maniputhem |
asimithem | imprisonthem | senegathem |
derailthem | specthem | overridesthem |
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