The words ending in -ibir are rare in Spanish and belong to the group of verbs on infinitive, that is, terms that express a verbal action without specifying a certain time. For example: percibir, writeibir, recibir.
Like all infinitives, they are used in verb phrases, as a complement to verbs or also with the same syntactic function as nouns.
Likewise, the verbs that appear in this group are of the third conjugation, that is, those that end in -ir. For example: inhibir, describir, subscribeibir.
ascribir | exhibir | outlawibir |
apercibir | inhibir | recibir |
circumscribeibir | inscribir | redhibir |
cohibir | manuscriptibir | rewriteibir |
describir | percibir | overwriteibir |
desinhibir | prescribedibir | subscribeibir |
writeibir | prohibir | transcribir |
ascribir | inhibir | outlawibir |
cohibir | inscribir | recibir |
describir | percibir | redhibir |
writeibir | prescribedibir | subscribeibir |
exhibir | prohibir | transcribir |
apercibir | desinhibir | rewriteibir |
circumscribeibir | manuscriptibir | overwriteibir |
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