The words ending in -ova and -ovo they are very rare in Spanish. For example: they marryova, innovo.
We can find them in verbs whose infinitive ends in -ovar, in the following verb tenses:
Also, there are some common nouns Y own ending in -ova and -ovo. For example: they marryova, corcovo, Genova, Kosovo.
toova | desovó | nova |
toovó | its Tova | ova |
they marryova | its Tovo | ovó |
chova | Genova | renova |
corcova | innova | renovó |
corcovo | innovó | supernova |
disengageovó | Hehova | trova |
desova | Kosovo | zelkova |
nova | ovó | trova |
toova | desovó | innovó |
toovó | its Tova | Kosovo |
corcovó | Genova | renovó |
desova | innova | zelkova |
they marryova | disengageovó | supernova |
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