100 Examples of Words that end in -fo
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Words ending in -fo
In Spanish, there are many words ending in -fo, mostly nouns Y adjectives. For example: goalfo, youfo, trifo.
The particle -fo, in some cases, is part of the suffix -graph, which indicates a person or device that writes or records and can also mean study or science. For example: penfo, polygraphfo, calligraphicfo. It also includes the suffix -troph, which means "that feeds." For example: autotrofo, heterotrofo. And finally, this digraph is found in the suffix -morph, which means "form." For example: lovefo, isomorfo, dimorfo.
On verbs ending in -far, the ending -fo refers to the first person singular of the present indicative mood. For example: undofo, plugfo, clampsfo. If it has an accent (fó), then it is the third person singular of the simple past perfect. For example: isfo, apostrofo, disappointmentfo.
Examples of words ending in -fo
airbrushfo | philosopherfo | orthographerfo |
autobiographerfo | fofo | oscillogramfo |
autographfo | phonographfo | paleografo |
autotrofo | photographerfo | pantografo |
penfo | geographerfo | paragrafo |
chalcografo | glifo | polygraphfo |
calligraphicfo | goalfo | pornographerfo |
cartographerfo | grifo | vinefo |
choreographerfo | hagiografo | regolfo |
cosmogramfo | heliographFor | tachographfo |
cryptographerfo | hydrographicfo | stenographerfo |
demographicfo | hypogrifo | stenographerfo |
diagrafo | historiographerfo | tartufo |
echografo | homographfo | thermographerfo |
electrocardiogramfo | lithografo | tetrastrofo |
EEGfo | mammogramfo | theosofo |
set designerfo | typistfo | typographerfo |
spectroheliografo | mimeografo | triumphfo |
stenogramfo | mitografo | tríglifo |
stylógrafo | morfo | videographerfo |
ethnographerfo | museologistfo | xerografo |
filadelfo | musicologistfo | xylografo |
Two-syllable words that end in -fo
belfo | glifo | orfo |
bofo | goalfo | rufo |
celfo | grifo | silfo |
fofo | morfo | youfo |
fufo | ninfo | orfo |
Three syllable words that end in -fo
yearfo | biographerfo | engafo |
happyfo | didelfo | isfo |
lovefo | digrafo | roosterfo |
anaglifo | dimorfo | Rodolfo |
to youfo | plugfo | tarifo |
Four syllable words that end in -fo
apostrofo | chronographfo | microgramfo |
barógrafo | unplugfo | multigradefo |
bathyscafo | hydrographicfo | polymorpfo |
cecógrafo | isomorfo | seismografo |
zygomorfo | lagomorfo | zoomorfo |
Five syllable words that end in -fo
alelomorfo | comedianfo | sphygmogramfo |
anthropomorphicfo | crystallologistfo | spectrographfo |
anthropomorphicfo | chromatographfo | heterotrofo |
biogeographerfo | typistfo | lexicographerfo |
camerawomanfo | ellipsografo | syphilógrafo |
Six syllable words ending in -fo
biogeographerfo | chromolithographfo | stereographfo |
cinematographfo | epistolographerfo | photolithographfo |
Sentences with words ending in -fo
- His last name bore a apostrophe after the initial.
- A group of girls waited at the door of the hotel for the rock star to pass by to ask him for a autograph.
- In the novel, a man immersed himself in a bathyscaphe with the intention of knowing the underwater world.
- The biógrtoFo obtained all the correspondence from the artist and was able to obtain unpublished information on his life.
- The architect signed all his plans with a ballpoint bearing his initials.
- The expert calligrapher determined that someone had forged the signature of the deceased.
- The photographer was able to get excellent footage of the actors having lunch at a restaurant.
- They took a break during filming so that the actors and the cameraman go to lunch.
- They had to call a cryptographer to help them decipher the message he encrypted from Pharaoh's tomb.
- Broke the ultrasound from the clinic and suspended all shifts.
- He was said to be a philosopherbut he was just a charlatan.
- My father loved to listen to records in the old gramophone, that had become of my grandfather.
- Adelina's boyfriend is geographer and he explained very interesting questions to us about the formation of mountains.
- Marisol, who is a journalist, covered the Gulf Persian when he was young.
- The biology teacher knew that she had not studied because she could not explain what an animal is heterotroph.
- Pedro got a tattoo hippogriff of impressive dimensions in the back.
- The term bank, which refers to the financial institution, is homograph from the term bench which means a seat for two or more people.
- The foundation donated a mammographer to the border town hospital.
- The men spent hours on the dock but eventually caught a orph of considerable size.
- The physics teacher explained to the students how the oscillograph.
- I tried to start the novel but, with so many worries, I could not advance a single paragraph.
- The experts were surprised to discover a petroglyph in that cave so visited.
- The suspect seemed very sure of himself, until he was subjected to the test of the polygraph.
- I don't like you hanging out with that man everyone says he's a tartufo.
- In some countries the bubonic plague is called typhus.