The words ending in -dio They may be verbs, nouns Y adjectives. For example: buyit gave, gerunit gave, init gave.
Verbs ending in -dio:
Nouns ending in -dio:
Nouns ending in -dio:
Since I is a weak vowel and O a strong one, when I is not the stressed vowel they form diphthong, that is to say, the two vowels belong to the same syllable. For example: is-it gave. In this case, the tilde is placed according to the rules of accentuation.
When the weak vowel (the I) is stressed, these two vowels form hiatus, that is, they belong to different syllables. For example: tar-gave–or. In this case, the tilde is always placed, beyond the general rules of accentuation.
acceit gave | is yourit gave | prenit gave |
acuit gave | exceit gave | pressit gave |
addit gave | exorit gave | pretendit gave |
grabit gave | gerunit gave | promiseit gave |
balit gave | hunit gave | rait gave |
I coincideit gave | impiit gave | repuit gave |
buyit gave | fireit gave | terminationit gave |
confusedit gave | invadeit gave | resiit gave |
custoit gave | irrait gave | answerit gave |
deciit gave | thuit gave | shakeit gave |
dependit gave | malvenit gave | surpriseit gave |
it gave | offendit gave | it happensit gave |
diviit gave | unemploymentit gave | suicideit gave |
undertakeit gave | penit gave | suspendit gave |
I sentit gave | perit gave | haveit gave |
episodeit gave | persuadeit gave | transgressit gave |
isit gave | poit gave | comeit gave |
arit gave | liit gave | piit gave |
auit gave | Iit gave | poit gave |
ECit gave | Iit gave | preit gave |
funit gave | meit gave | rait gave |
i haveit gave | morit gave | SWit gave |
init gave | orit gave | teait gave |
aluit gave | deterit gave | fastiit gave |
Anait gave | eliit gave | preceit gave |
clapit gave | the Uit gave | pressit gave |
ascendit gave | turn onit gave | proceedit gave |
grabit gave | understandit gave | remeit gave |
conceit gave | escinit gave | repuit gave |
defendit gave | Eveit gave | revenit gave |
despiit gave | expandit gave | subsiit gave |
spreadit gave | extendit gave | tarit gave |
correspondit gave | homiciit gave | magniciit gave |
untieit gave | intercedeit gave | misleadit gave |
stupidit gave | intermeit gave | replaceit gave |
femiciit gave | intermeit gave | back offit gave |
genociit gave | latifunit gave | subdividedit gave |
over yearit gave | surpassit gave | overexceedit gave |
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