100 Examples of Words that end in -gio
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Words that end in -gio
In Spanish, words ending in -gio they are not very frequent and it is, for the most part, nouns or adjectives male. For example: schoolgio, harpgio shipwreckgio.
On verbs ending in -giar, this ending refers to the first person singular of the present indicative mood. For example: elogio, countgio, plagio.
We also find this sequence with a tilde (-gio) in the third person singular of the simple past perfect, in verbs ending in -giar, -ger or -gir. For example: damturned, afliturned, proteturned.
It should be noted that the use of G can lead to confusion regarding the J, particularly when the sound precedes the vowels E, O, I, since their pronunciation is identical. It is important to remember that the endings -gia, -gio and conjugations of verbs with endings -ger and -gir in infinitives are always written with G, with few exceptions.
Examples of words ending in -gio
acoturned | eriturned | damgio |
adagio | escoturned | prestigio |
afliturned | estigio | privilegio |
togio | eucologio | prodigio |
harpgio | exiturned | proteturned |
artilugio | falangio | recoturned |
carolingio | fastigio | refugio |
schoolgio | endturned | regio |
compunturned | florilegio | restraintturned |
withgio | frigio | resurfacedturned |
countgio | infliturned | riturned |
converturned | infringedturned | ruturned |
ranturned | letigio | sacrilegio |
dismayturned | ligio | overpowerturned |
desprestigio | litigio | spellgio |
diffugio | manutigio | subterfugio |
directturned | martyr himgio | suffergio |
efugio | menologio | southturned |
egregio | merovingio | transitionturned |
elegio | muturned | aturned |
elogio | shipwreckgio | urturned |
emerturned | plagio | I dressedgio |
Two syllable words that end in -gio
togio | ligio | ruturned |
coturned | magio | To begio |
withgio | muturned | southturned |
ergio | plagio | aturned |
frigio | regio | urturned |
Three syllable words that end in -gio
adagio | egregio | prestigio |
harpgio | elogio | prodigio |
schoolgio | litigio | refugio |
compunturned | shipwreckgio | suffergio |
countgio | damgio | I dressedgio |
Four syllable words that end in -gio
artilugio | florilegio | privilegio |
carlovingio | manutergio | sacrilegio |
desprestigio | manutigio | overpowerturned |
sporegio | menologio | spellgio |
eucologio | merovingio | subterfugio |
Five syllable words that end in -gio
martyr himgio | overprotectturned | telediriturned |
Six syllable words that end in -gio
acantopterigio | episcopalgio | malacopterigio |
Sentences with words ending in -gio
- That rainy day Samuel was sorry for the abandoned dog and welcomed in his house.
- Many in the audience were moved when the orchestra played the adage.
- The movie was very dramatic and afflicted to Azucena.
- The music teacher taught him to play a arpeggio and Rodrigo was amazed.
- Young people used any contraption to pass exams without studying.
- These architectural works correspond to the empire Carolingian.
- When I returned to town I knew that college the one she had attended now was a supermarket.
- Margarita's parents think that contagion of chickenpox from playing with a presumably sick child in the plaza.
- Malala took fifty exams today, but only corrected half.
- Corruption generates a huge discredit to public institutions.
- Steven Spielberg He directedSchindler's List Y Shark, among other famous films.
- Ramiro surprised me, because he was not expecting a praise from the part of him.
- Supposedly the Loch Ness Monster emerged a few times, but there is no proof that those facts are true.
- In his hometown, he erected a monument to remember him.
- The teacher he chose the brightest students to write the speech.
- Lawyer demanded to the court to be expedited in the case involving his client.
- Gabriel pretended having forgotten the keys so that an unsuspecting neighbor would allow him to enter the building.
- In the coat of arms of the Argentine Republic, two hands hold a cap Phrygian, which symbolizes freedom.
- The litigation between the partners lasted several years.
- Cow mooed several times and got ready to give birth.
- The shipwreck Cruising off the coasts of southern Italy will be remembered forever.
- The writer sued the film's producers on the grounds that he was a plagiarism of his novel.
- At three years of age, Mozart was already a true prodigy.
- Enriqueta found refuge from the storm at an abandoned gas station.
- For Bernardo, skipping dinner was a sacrilege.
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