The words that start with ur- understand nouns, adjectives Y verbs. For example: urna, urpeople, urdir.
In some cases, these words form families. For example: urbe, urbath, urbanize, urbanizable; urgir, urgence, urpeople.
Among the terms that begin with ur-, is the expression urbi et orbi, which comes from Latin, so it is appropriate to write it in italics or with another type of graphic distinction, such as quotation marks. It is part of the papal blessing and means that it is addressed "to the city and to the whole world." By extension, it applies to information that is disseminated openly.
Ur | urscreeches | urography |
uracyl | urdidera | urolithiasis |
uralita | urdimbre | urology |
uryear | urdir | urologist |
Uryear | urdu | uromancy |
uranography | urea | uroscopy |
uranometry | uremia | urraca |
urbanícola | urentity | urbeen |
urbanity | urether | Úrsula |
urbanism | uretra | ursulin |
urbather | uretritis | urticácea |
urbanistic | urgence | urtication |
urbanita | urpeople | urhot |
urbanizable | urturn | urticaria |
urbanization | urico | Urubamba |
urbanize | urinaria | urubu |
urbath | urna | Uruguay |
urbe | uror | uruguayan |
urbi et orbi | urodel | uruguayism |
urAC | urogallo | ura day |
urEC | urogenital | urutaú |
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