The words starting with on- they are not very frequent in Spanish. For example: ongives, onIric, ondulation.
These words can be:
onto | ondeado | onyrian |
onagra | ondeante | onirism |
onEC | ondear | oniromancy |
onceavo | ondeo | onix |
onappointment | ontwo | onomastic |
oncogene | ondulation | onomatopoeia |
oncogenesis | ondulate | onomatopoeic |
oncogenic | ondulante | ontology |
oncology | ondular | ontological |
oncolological | ondulatory | ontologism |
oncologist | oneroso | onza |
ongives | ONG | onzavo |
Some definitions:
Ona. Original people that lived in what is now Tierra del Fuego, Argentina.
Evening primrose. Shrub type.
Oncita. Weasel.
Dreaming. Practice that assumes that the future is guessed through dreams.
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