The words that start with ul- are, mainly, nouns Y adjectives. For example: ultracorrection, ulwaxy. Between the verbs, they find each other ulclose, ulswindle Y ulswindle.
Several of these words form families: ulbring, ulcostume, ultrajante, ultrader; lastwax, ulclose, ulwaxy, ulcerative.
In many cases, the sequence ul- is part of the compositional element ultra-, which has two meanings:
ulyear | lasttimidly | ultraligera |
lastwax | ulswindle | ultraliviano |
ulceration | ultimatum | ulhatch |
ulclose | ultra | ultramarino |
ulcerative | uldefrosting | ultramicroscopic |
ulwaxy | ulfreeze | ultramontana |
ulema | ultracorrection | ultranza |
ulfilana | ultraderight | ulorthodox |
uliginous | ulright trade | ultraprotectora |
Ulises | ulstretch | ulreddish |
ulmaceus | ultreacherous | ultransonic |
ulMaria | ulleft | ulsoundtrack |
ulthird | ulleftist | ultratumba |
ultilogue | ultrajante | ultraviolet |
lastscam | ulbring | lastula |
ultiming | ulcostume | ulular |
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