The words that start with is- They are nouns Y adjectives. For example: istmo, isLandes.Some of these words form families. For example: isThe m, isthe same, islick, islamista; isthe, islot, islog.
In several of the words that begin with is-, this sequence is part of the compositional element iso-, which means “equal”. For example: isobara("On a map, a line that joins the points of the Earth that have the same atmospheric pressure"), isogloss("On a map, an imaginary line that indicates the limits of a certain linguistic peculiarity"), isoterma("On a map, a line connecting the points of the same mean annual temperature").
isto | Ismael | isostasia |
IsAbel | ISOR | isoterma |
isabelino | isobara | isotonic |
isba | isochromatic | isotropia |
ISBN | isochron | ishey |
Isidro | isodactyl | isburned |
isthe | isoflavone | ischiatic |
isThe m | isophonia | isquion |
islamic | isogloss | isquiotibial |
isthe same | isomer | Israel |
islandes | isometry | israeli |
Islandia | isomorphic | israelite |
isfirewood | isopod | ISYN |
islet | isoptera | istmeña |
islot | isosceles | istmo |
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