In Spanish, there are many words that start with me-. For example: Idalla, Iit gave, Idir.
The words that begin with this sequence belong to different grammar classes:
In many cases, these words form families: Icanography, Icanograph, Icanograph; Idicyne, Isay, Idicament, Idedication; Inte, Intal, Intalist, Intality, Intalize; Imoria, Imorable, Imoriosa, Imorizar.
Some words that start with me- come from other languages, so it is recommended to write them in italics or with another type of graphic differentiation, such as quotation marks. For example: Igabyte, Izzosoprano.
I | Iditerranean | Ircado |
Iandro | Idium | Iwould |
Imarble | Idula | Ircurio |
Icanize | Idusa | Ipray |
Icedora | Igabyte | Ilimped |
Idinners | Igaphone | Irein |
Isuppression | Igalomania | Irite |
Icer | Igawatt | Ilight |
Icha | Iiosis | Irmelada |
Ichon | Ijilla | Isurround |
Idalla | Ijillon | Isa |
Idallist | Ijor | Imushroom |
Ihurt | Ilancolía | Istizo |
Iday | Ithe girl | Itabolism |
Idiation | Iloop | Itaphorus |
Idialuna | Ifirewood | Isuch |
IDiana | Illar | Italize |
Iday Night | Illizo | Italurgy |
Idiante | Ilodia | Itamorphosis |
Idiar | Ilon | Itheorite |
Idiatic | Imbrana | Itheorology |
Idiatize | Imbresía | Iter |
Idiatrix | Imemory | Ieverything |
Idica | Inction | Itrica |
Idition | Iindigo | Inot |
Idida | Iglove | Itropolis |
Idieval | Iningitis | Itropolitan |
Iit gave | Inor | Ixicana |
Ienvironment | Ius | Izclar |
Idioday | Insaje | Izquality |
Idir | Intir | Izquino |
Iditation | Intira | Izquita |
Idite | Iwildebeest | Izzosoprano |
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