The words that start with pe- They are nouns, adjectives or verbs. For example: pedestal, perdurable, perder.It also begins with pe- la conjunctionpero.
In many cases, these words form families. For example: peinar, peinado, peinadora, peine; peligro, peflirt, peligroso; pescar, pescador, pescado, pescaderia.
In several words of this group, the sequence pe- is part of various prefixes and compositional elements:
peaje | peluqueria | peparchment |
peatonal | pena | periffle |
pecar | pendenciero | perimeter |
pehoney | petooth | periodic |
pewax | penodule | periodista |
pecho | peniciline | periodontics |
pechuga | peninsula | peripecia |
pething | pefeeling | peritonitis |
peculiarity | pensar | peadjudicate |
pedagogical | pentagon | perla |
pedale | pentagram | pedawn |
pedanteria | pentathlon | permeable |
pedestal | pentotal | pepermission |
pediatra | penultimate | peissue |
pediculosis | penumbra | pero |
pedigüeño | pePine tree | perorata |
pedir | pequeña | perpendicular |
pedregosa | pera | perpetual |
Pedro | percance | pecomplex |
pegadizo | perchero | perro |
pelumpy | pereceive | pefollow |
pegar | percussion | pesevere |
peinado | perder | Persia |
peine | pedonate | persona |
pejerrey | perdurable | peperspective |
pelaje | peregrination | persuadir |
pelear | pegrating | Peru |
pelily | perenne | pehe |
peflirt | pepraying | pescader |
pelight | peeffect | pesticidal |
peit | perfil | pethallus |
peburbot | perforation | petroleo |
peFight | perfume | pez |
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