In Spanish, the words that start with bl- belong to the classes of the nouns, adjectives Y verbs. For example: blor what, blank, blanchor.
Among the nouns, there are some foreigners, especially of origin English; for example: blackout, blackjack, blended.Therefore, when writing these words, it is recommended to use italics or another graphic highlight, such as quotation marks.
In terms of spelling, the general rule that in front of a consonant corresponds the letter B (and not V) is applied when writing the words that begin with this sequence.
blspeak | blastoderm | blíster |
blackjack | blastula | bloc |
blackout | blazer | blog |
blank | blage | blwave |
blancuzco | bledo | blor what |
blgo | blepharitis | block |
blandengue | blenda | blue jean / bluyín |
blandir | blended | bluegrass |
blandon | blpride | blues |
blandura | blhuge area | bluetooth |
blanchor | blinda | blPhew |
blanquizal | blindage | blu-ray |
blasphemia | blindar | bluses |
blasón | blinis | bluson |
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