In Spanish, the words that start with em- they are very frequent. For example: emoción, embuster, emancipate.
Among them, you can find:
It should be noted that many of these terms are formed by the prefix en-, in the variant used before B or P: em-. This element indicates "on" or "within", but it also intervenes in the formation of some derivatives without a precise meaning. For example: ondrawer, embottle, embeautify.
emanar | embriagador | empate |
emancipation | embrion | empatia |
embadurnar | embrollo | emstone |
emdescent | emwitchcraft | emhair comb |
emdownloader | embudo | emrock |
embalage | embuster | emget worse |
emtile | embutido | emmake small |
emraft | ememergency | emperador |
emraft | emergent | empear tree |
embum | emmerit | emchervil |
emcheap | emignore | embut |
emboat | eminence | emfish |
embarge | eminefficiently | empinnate |
embargo | emirate | empyrism |
embarred | emisario | emplace |
emravine | emision | empleated |
embark | emisora | empleo |
embat | emmotivating | empoverty |
embathing suit | emotive | empower |
emdrunk | empacar | emcock |
embelesar | empacho | emdust |
embeleso | emregister | empoison |
embeautify | empalagar | emporio |
embestir | empalme | empaddock |
emproblem | empanada | empozar |
emsilly | emswamped | embrooch |
emmouth | emswaddle | emdam |
emmouthpiece | empapar | empresario |
emget drunk | empaper | emloan |
emforest | empack | embid up |
embouncing | empatch | emgrip |
empanty | emwalled | emular |
embrave | empasture | emulsion |
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