100 Examples of Words with UE
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Words with UE
The words with UE they may have these letters in the middle or at the end of the word, but never at the beginning. For example: whatEUlaugh afterEUs, fEU. This combination of letters is very common in Spanish, so there are many words in which it appears.
Since U is a closed vowel and E an open vowel, when U is not a tonic they form diphthong, that is, they belong to the same syllable. For example: pEU-do. In this case, the accent mark it is placed according to the general rules of accentuation.
But when the U is tonic, they form hiatus, that is, they belong to different syllables. For example: ac-tú–and. In this case the tilde is always placed in the U.
The U followed by E is pronounced when:
The U followed by E is not pronounced when:
Examples of words with UE
actEUn | focusEU | breadEUit |
acEURev | envEUlto | packEUtea |
addedEU | labelEUta | parkEU |
almEUrzo | evalEUs | perpetEUn |
ambigEUdad | franqEUza | chasedEU |
oldEUdad | freqEUncia | becauseEU |
turned offEU | FEUgo | portugueseEUs |
aqEUlla | FEUnte | propEUsta |
archEUology | FEUrza | advertisedEU |
avergEUnza | gEUbrown | pEUblo |
I found outüé | hamburgEUsa | pEUnte |
benchEUtea | hindEUs | pEUrta |
bilingEU | concreteEUro | pEUrtorriqEUña |
lockEUar | hEUit | whatEU |
forestEU | hEUrto | whatEUbrar |
bEUnot | hEUSW | whatEUindulge |
burgEUyes | hEUsped | whatEUha |
searchEUgives | hEUvo | whatEUlaugh |
cegEUra | iglEUs | raqEUta |
checkEU | inflEUncia | recEURev |
cigEUña | insinEUn | refEUrzo |
compEUsto | jEUyou see | repEUsto |
getEU | jEUza | respEUsta |
continueEU | jugEUtea | riqEUza |
cEUnto | judgedEU | rEUgives |
cEUrda | arrivedEU | S.I.GEU |
cEUrpo | lEUgo | sEUit |
cEUrvo | madrigEUra | sEUlto |
cEUsta | meringEU | sEUnot |
drainEU | mEUlle | sEUrte |
distinguishingEU | nEUstra | trEUnot |
dEUña | nEUvo | ungEUnto |
dEUrmen | opEUsto | vEUit |
encEUsta | PEU | vEUlven |
Sentences with words with UE
- All the Thursday there are movies new On cinemas.
- The Cheetah is the animal what run faster.
- Later to cross the Forest, they reached the most beautiful lake in the region.
- The boys listened very carefully to the story, what narrated his Grandpa.
- The results of the survey They served the sociologist to test her hypothesis.
- The menu of lunch in that restaurant it does not include dessert.
- Many people They were to the dock to see them fires artificial.
- TO what time are we going to the library?
- Marcela got the answer from the German embassy, what he was waiting for so long.
- José fulfilled his dream: publish a book of poetry.
- The professional tennis player has several rackets, but he prefers to always play with his favorite.
- Many boys go to schools bilingual Spanish English.
- The director of the play wants what the cast members act More calmly.
- The cats they sleep many hours per day.
- The guests they are very happy with the service what offers the hotel.
- I'm with a lot of work and I don't think arrives to the cinema to see the movie.
- They built a new bridge for pedestrians and vehicles, what unites the two cities.
- Andres goes to to stay at his house to sort his books and files.
- The popular myth says what if you you find a four leaf clover you are going to have lucky.
- Many people They were to the Park to see the end of the marathon.
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