Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Abr. 2010
When the term gift is used, it may be referring to different issues. In the first place, the word gift designates a skill or capacity of a person that has a certain relevance or that serves to distinguish it from the rest and that with it is capable of performing various actions.
If we understand the term gift as a special ability or ability, we must say that it will be taken as the most distinctive characteristic of the person who has it. People often present gifts, associated with the physical or the mental. Let us think of a person who has a force forceful to lift things and to impose it in favor of carrying out activities whenever you need it.
On the other hand, the capacity for analysis and reflection on the things of life could also be considered as a gift. Also the talent artistic someone is usually appreciated as a gift. If someone is good at interpreting songs, it is often said that he has the gift of singing.
We must also point out that the gift is usually considered as something that the person receives almost in a divine way, or innate at birth.
The gift can be expressed both physically and mentally, emotional or in many different ways (for example, a person who interacts very well with others).
The gift is a characteristic that, as we said, is not explained many times in a way. rational if not that is considered unique and magical. In general, the gift becomes such a unique characteristic that it defines that person or, at least, serves to differentiate them from the rest of the individuals around them. A gift can be the ability to move parts of the body in special ways (fingers, muscles), as well as a gift can be the ability to solve mathematical exercises very quickly, etc.
For example, the gifts, both in religions and mythologies, have always been very present and linked to a holiness or deity, respectively.
Meanwhile, in the specific case of Christian theology, the gifts occupy a very special place, such is the case of the gifts of the holy spirit, which are considered as permanent and present dispositions and that will make the human being more docile, among them the following stand out: intelligence, strength, wisdom, piety, science, fear of god, advice.
Respectful and differential treatment towards a person
At the same time, the name don is applied to some individuals as differential treatment and to offer them respectful treatment. This name is often related to hierarchical or hierarchical issues. tradition. "Don Francisco is the best employer I have had in years."
When we speak of the term gift in relation to social ties, the word is usually placed at the beginning of an individual's name to give it importance or relevance. Although this differential treatment sought to establish hierarchies between different individuals, today it has fallen into disuse, considering it a term rather traditional or characteristic of rural areas. In many cases, placing the 'Gift' before a name can also be done with people who are especially known and appreciated, to mark this link between the two parties. A clear example of this is when you say 'Don Pedro' to an individual you know.
In former times it was used to refer to god and saints, later it was also applied to marks, nobles, archbishops and cardinals.
Don's feminine is doña.
Synonym of gift
On the other hand, the concept can be used as a synonym for gift. "Marcos received three gifts for his birthday."
And there is a phrase or popular saying associated with this term: gift of people, which is used to express the ease that a person has to deal with or relate to others. "Maria's gift of people is what makes her a trustworthy and unique person."
Themes in Don