The words with MP and MB they contain these letters in the middle of the word, but never at the beginning or at the end. For example: ACmbio, youmbre, campana, tiempor.
These two letter combinations are very frequent in Spanish, that's why there are many words in which they appear. Two exists spelling rules What must be taken into account to write these words:
herempar | comprhyme | imprude |
ACmppussy | compSteal | impost |
ACmpAna | compromiso | impulsar |
ACmpeonate | cumpliment | impulsive |
ACmpit was | axismpit | impulso |
ACmpor | andmpacar | interrumpto go |
chimpancé | andmpate | thempara |
compyear | andmpMy aunt | limpgo |
compplowing | andmpeorate | YesmpMy aunt |
compartiment | andmpero | Yesmpyou |
compartir | andmpstart | tampoco |
compassion | andmpinado | teamperature |
compatriot | andmpujar | teampbe |
compteach | impedir | teampit |
complice | impoluto | teampfrog |
complot | impotencia | tiempor |
componente | imprhyme | trampto |
comprar | impsteal | notmpeta |
comprender | improvise | notmpor |
abombar | certidumbre | andmbutir |
quietmbrar | cimbrar | frambuesa |
used tombrar | colombiano | gambeta |
tombrar | combate | hambre |
alfombrar | combattentive | hombrivers |
alumbrar | combatir | membre |
tombicing | combustible | rumbor |
tombient | cumbre | simbra |
tombiguo | demolishedmbar | Yesmbiosis |
ámbito | demolishedmband | Yesmbolo |
tombivalent | andmbscratch | it soundsmbulo |
tombivalence | andmbellecer | succumbto go |
tombyou | andmbestida | tamballoy |
tombulancia | andmbstretch | tambwho |
bambú | andmbmotto | tambor |
bombear | andmbbag | tambor |
bombero | andmboscada | notmbto |
bombilla | andmbotellar | youmbto |
ACmbgo | andmbudo | youmbar |
ACmbio | andmbustero | ormbilical |
expensivembwave | andmbutido | zambhowl |
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