The prefix -hiper It is used to refer to things that are excessive, very large or that have superiority over others. For example: hyperactive, hiccuprbole.
The prefixes they are morphemes, that is, small units that are added to a word to change its meaning. They are not written separately from the word with a hyphen, but always attached to the term they modify.
Hyperactive | Hyperspace |
Hyperactivity | Hyperesthesia |
Hyperactive | Hyperfocal |
Hyperbatic | Hyperhydrosis |
Hyperbaton | Hyperjacaceous |
Hyperball | Hypericine |
Hyperbole | Hyperico |
Hyperbolice | Hyperinflation |
Hyperbolic | Hyperhalf |
Hyperbolting | Hypermarket |
Hyperbolizara | Hypermetropia |
Hyperboloid | Hyperplasia |
Hyperboreo | Hyperrealism |
Hypercarbia | Hypersensitivity |
Hyperhydrochloride | Hypersensitive |
Hyperhappy | Hypersonic |
Hypercrisis | Hypertension |
Hypercritical | Hypertense |
Hyperdefinition | Hypertherm |
Hyperdocument | Hypertext |
Hyperdulia | HypertonĂa |
Hyperemia | Hypertrophy |
Hyperlink | Hyperlink |
More prefix examples:
Prefixes | Gastro- prefix | Peri- prefix |
Prefix a- | Geo prefix | Prefix poly-, mono- |
Prefix before- | Hemi prefix | Prefix prefix |
Anti- prefix | Prefix hydro- | Prefix pro- |
Auto prefix | Hyper- prefix | Prefix re |
Prefix good-, ben- | Hypo- prefix | Retro prefix |
Prefix bi- | Prefix im-, i-, in- | Semi- prefix |
Biblio- prefix | Prefix infra- | Prefix sin-, sim-, si- |
Prefix bio- | Prefix inter- | Prefix supra- and super- |
Cardio prefix | Prefix intra- | Prefix tele- |
Prefix with, co-, com- | Prefix kilo- | Prefix tetra- |
Prefix contra- | Prefix kilo- | Prefix tras-, trans |
Chrono prefix | Macro prefix- | Tri- prefix |
Prefix des- | Mini- prefix | Prefix ultra- |
Prefix di-, dis-, dia- | Multi prefix | Uni- prefix |
Prefix epi- | Prefix neo- | Prefix vice- |
Philo- prefix | Neuro- prefix | Xeno- prefix |
Prefix photo- | Omni prefix | Prefix zoo- |