The words with BOR they can contain these letters at the beginning, middle or end of the word. For example: borpink tailboration, rubor.
This letter combination does not have spelling rules specific and is very rare in Spanish, so it appears in very few words.
toborgive | boreal | theborto the |
toborigen | borrador | theboratorio |
toborpray | borrar | theborious |
tobortar | borscratch | reborfrom |
to thebor | tailborar | reelaborar |
to thebornoz | I runboraction | rubor |
to theborotar | I runborar | sabor |
to theboroto | Fromborto | saborear |
areraseeo | desborgive | saborlifting |
arborhoist | desborfrom | sinsabor |
babor | the Aboraction | SWbornar |
borbutton | the Aborar | SWbornot |
borblind | stribor | itsborden |
borgive | imborrable | itsbordinar |
borfrom | inaborpossible | tambor |
bordear | insubordination | transborgive |
bordo | thebor | sawborto |
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