Donation Letter Sample
Cards / / July 04, 2021
A donation letter, is a letter in which a person donates a specific sum to others, and is completely independent of bequests and inheritances.
This letter indicates the will of the person in private terms, trying to stay away from authorities and representatives such as notaries and lawyers.
Donation letter example:
Juan José Devereaux Valdivia
Attn. Mr. Julio Devereaux Gutiérrez
Jaqueline Devereaux Gutiérrez and
Felipe Devereaux Gutiérrez.
Who subscribes Juan José Deveraux Valdivia, with the intention of granting by means of the present a donation economic that is completely outside of my will, legacy or any procedure before the authorities.
I write the following in order to deliver them the amount of 250,000.00 (Two hundred and fifty thousand pesos M / N), amount that will be delivered in a cashier's check payable to each of the interested.
The ticket that is delivered with this letter to each of the aforementioned, will be non-transferable, and will only be charged at the bank that issued it.
The amount granted will be for the discretionary use of each of the beneficiaries and does not require a receipt signature or other procedure.
I sign this as a way to attest to my will and to give proof of it are present Messrs. Froilán Mujica Rivera and Mr. Javier Valverde Ontario who will sign at the bottom and signature of the Present.
The three bank notes (checks) are attached with an illegible signature in my handwriting and duly endorsed for the interested parties.
Mexico Federal District, October 25, 2012
Froilán Mujica Rivera Sr Javier Valverde Ontario
Signature Signature
Mr. Juan José Deveraux Valdivia
If you need a letter request your example.