In Spanish, there are many words that contain vowels that precede the consonant J. For example: ajor, exemplo, ijada, ojto the, ujier.
Although there are no words that contain a vowel followed by J in the same syllable, there are many that contain these sequences but in different syllables (for example: mor–jer).
The use of J can lead to confusion with the letter G, when the sound j / g precedes the vowels E or I. For example:peaheh, recoger, ahee, sawgilia.
ajadura | ajuar | ijuju |
ajar | ajuiciado | ojto the |
ajand | ajustar | ojto |
ajedrecist | ajustice | ojaladera |
ajedrez | exand | ojwinged |
ajenjo | exexecution | ojwing |
ajeno | exexecutive | ojeado |
ajerected | exem | ojit was |
ajethereal | exemplify | ojeroso |
ají | exemplo | ojhappy |
ajoil | exercer | ojimoreno |
ajillo | exercisio | ojor |
ajipuerro | exerect | ojota |
ajiron | exarmy | ojudo |
ajor | ijadear | ojuelos |
ajwhite | ijar | ujier |
ajbunched | ijillo | ujú |
ajadura | ajerected | ajuar |
ajedrez | ajethereal | ajuiciado |
ajenjo | ají | ajused |
ajeno | ajor | ajyou |
exand | executor | exemplo |
exexecution | exem | exercer |
exexecute | exemplarly | exercisio |
exexecutive | exemplify | exarmy |
ijada | ijar | ijiyo |
ijadear | ijillo | ijuju |
ojto the | ojwinged | ojimiel |
ojto | ojeroso | ojor |
ujier | ujieres | ujú |
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