The words with CH they can contain these letters at the beginning, middle or end of the word. For example: chatara, chileno, sandwich. This combination is very common in Spanish, that's why there are many words in which it seems.
After CH, a consonant, but you can place any vowel:
i openchar | chisme | lanchto |
acechar | chispa | youchand |
agachass | chyou are | youchuza |
anchor | chocar | luchar |
anchor | chocolate | machete |
antorchto | choffer | machism |
take advantagechar | chubasco | manchto |
archipiélago | chuleta | Mapchand |
archivo | chupar | seachto |
endorsechto | churro | seachita |
bachand | cabbagechon | Mariachi |
bowlchevique | corchetes | Ichon |
brochand | corchor | mochila |
ACchgold | sewchto | muchor |
caprichbear | cockchto | nachyou |
hoodchto | cuchplowing | notchand |
cartuchor | cuchillo | pairchand |
chaleco | derechor | pechor |
chhaman | desdichadored | hairchand |
chantaje | wishchyou | perchto |
chapa | despachar | pichon |
chaqueta | eighteenchor | pinchar |
charol | duchto | trackchor |
chdisgusted | andchar | planchto |
checho | onchufar | rechrandom |
chef | cheatchar | rechinar |
chelo | I hearchar | reprochand |
cheque | starchor | Saltchtokens |
chica | faithchto | sandwich |
chihuahua | flechto | satisfiedchor |
chilene | i havechI hoist | suspectedchar |
chimenea | i havechor | tachar |
chimpatient | hinchar | teachor |
china | ketchchup | trinchit was |
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