The words with AE They can contain these two letters anywhere in the word, at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end. For example: aerobotic, paella, cae.
This combination is rare in Spanish. Most of these words begin with the prefix aero- (aerobus) or is it a compound word for two wordsguardaespaldas).
Since A and E are strong vowels, when they are together they form hiatus, that is, they belong to different syllables. For example: a-trto–and. In this type of hiatus, the placement of the tilde depends on the accentuation rules.
abstraego | aeroterrestrial | infraestructure |
acaecio | aerotate | Ismael |
ahconvict | aerovia | israelita |
aerobotic | A.Maestrar | maestranza |
aerobus | antiahconvict | maestre |
aeroclub | atraen | maestria |
aeslider | caego | maestro |
aerhodynamic | contrae | maltraer |
aerospace | contraeexample | Octaedro |
aerphotography | contraem forest | paella |
aergraph | contraespionage | pairaestate |
aerolline | decaer | portaequipage |
aeromechanical | behindaer | portaestandard |
aeromodelism | distraego | quitaesmalte |
aeromotor | dodecaedro | raer |
aeblunt | extraer | Rafael |
aeronáutica | extraescolar | recaer |
aeclothes park | Faenar | reggae |
aepedestal | Gael | retraer |
aeropostal | gomaefoam | retroaego |
aerosol | guardaespaldas | sustraer |
aerostatic | heptaedro | taekwondo |
aerotaxi | hexaedro | traer |